[Stutis / Kavachaas, Ashtottaraas and Sahasranaamaas from the Series of Essence of Puranas] Maha Purusha Stuti by Rudra As Lord Rudra was performing ‘Tapasya’ deep inside water to Maha Purush, He saw that Eleven Entities of outstanding splendour emegring from water and even when enquired as to who they were, they sped away in hurry without replying. Later on Rudra visualised a Thumb-like Figure who was by far the most resplendent of the Eleven Entities who flashed earlier. Rudra introduced Himself as ‘Bhava’ and asked the new Personality as to Who He was. The reply was that a new vision would be provided to Rudra so that the realisation was better and that He was the ‘Jalasayi Narayan Deva’.The Eleven Entities who hurried away without replying to Rudra were the ‘Ekadasa Adityas’ or the Eleven Suryas and they were asked to hurry up to execute Tapasya. Rudra then comprehended the Premordial Maha Purusha and prayed to Him as follows: ‘My greetings You; You are Eternal, Pure and incredibly Huge Bodied, with Thousand Hands and Thousand Rays; Your actions are pure; You are the redeemer of all human tribulations, Shambho! You possess the unimaginable luminosity of several Suns and speed and severity of several Vayus; You are the possessor of all kinds of ‘Vidyas’ and knowledge; You are Greeted and worshipped by all Deities; You have neither beginning nor end nor you are destructible; You are the small symbol of Seshanag who is the holder and supporter of the entire Universe; You are the Supreme Lord of the Universe, Bhutapathi, Maheswara, Marutpathi, Sarvapathi, Jagatpathi, Prithvi pathi, Loka pathi: I am ever grantful to You; You are ‘Jalesha’ of Super Lord of Water, Narayana, Vishva Shankara, Kshitisha, Vishweswara, Vishwalochana, Manifestation of Sun and Moon, Achyuta, Veera, Vishvavyapi or Omni Present, Amrita murthi, the Opposite of blistering flames of Fire God in the form of pleasant coolness; Universally multi faced, Oh Narayana, do protect me as I am in Your complete control; You are engaged in the full swing of ‘Samsara Chakra’ or preserving the balance of Universe, yet no miniscule matter could escape Your consideration; little wonder that all Jnanis with clean and clear mind leave to you to perform, correct and obey without the least hesitation; How could I commend or comment about you! You have the unique and accurate assessement of infinitesimally small as well as mammoth and unsolvable issues; You are speechless, heartless and emotionless; You are devoid of attachments; even Brahma could not fathom Your Inner Self, excepting that Tapasya might provide You a feeling of nearness to you. As Rudra Deva prayed to Maha Purush Vishnu, the latter confirmed that both of the two Entities were the same. He said: (Oh Umapathi, Do ask for a boon from me; may you be blessed; We have no difference and are both the same). He affirmed further: (Oh Umapathi! In order to perform the tasks of Devas I take to various Incarnations and execute Tapasya for you. I shall take the form of clouds and take out water from them for your sake!). Maha Vishnu gave two further dispensations viz. the Ekadasa Adityas-the Prakritik Purushas- would spread all over Prithvi to stay there and Vishnu’s incarnation as Varaha would worship Rudra Deva. (The Sanskrit base is: 1)Namostvanantaaya Visuddha chethasey Swarupa rupaya Sahasrabaahavey, Sahasra Rashmipravaraya Vedhasey Vishaladehaya Vishudda karminey/
This series of Stutis /Kavachas, Ashtottaras and Sahasranamas from the series of Essence of Puranas have been Compiled and edited by Sri. V.D.N.Rao,devotee of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam and Retired Official of the Government of India. The author can be contacted at Click here to read the Essence of various puranas