Surya Stutis by Devaas and Trimurthis At the time of ‘Pralaya’ or the Great Destruction when darkness engulfed the Universe, the foremost materialisation was of ‘Buddhi’ (Intelligence) which led to ‘Ahamkara’ (Self-image), which in turn created the ‘Pancha Bhutas’ or Five Elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Sky whose interplay led to the emergence of the Golden Egg containing Seven Lokas and Seven Oceans and Tri Murtis. A massive embodiment of Radiance appeared and the Devas extolled the Adi Deva as follows: Adi Devosi Devanaam eeshwaraanaam Tameeswarah, Adikartaasi Bhutaanaam Deva Deva Sanaatanah/ Jeevanam sarva satvaanaam Deva Gandharva Raakshasam,Muni Kinnara Siddhanaam tadhaivoraga pakshinaam/ Twam Brahma twam Mahaa Devastvam Vishnustwam Prajaapatih, Vayurindrascha Somescha Viviswaan Varunastathha/ Hey Sanatana Deva, You are the foremost Creator and the Supreme Adi Deva; You are the Sourcer of Life of Devas, Gandharvas, Raakshasas, Munis, Kinnaras, Siddhas, Nagas, etc.; You are Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu; Prajapati ,Vayu, Indra, Soma, Vishvaswaan, Varuna and Kaala; You are the Creator, Destroyer and Preserver of the World; You are the Rivers, Oceans, Vidyut and Rainbows, Pralaya, Prabhava or cycle of birth and death; You are the comprehensible and incomprehensible; the Vidya/ knowledge prompted by Ishvara, Shiva prompted by Vidya and Paramadeva prompted by Shiva; You are spread all over the feet, legs, eyes, head and face; Your thousands of blazing rays illuminate all over including the Lokas of Bhuh, Bhuvah, Swah, Mahah, Janah, Tapah, and Satya; You are not possible to vision even by Indra and all other Devas, yet provide propitiousness and Peace to Munis like Bhrigu, Atri, Pulaha, and many other Siddhas; Your basic Rupa or Form is just not possible to visualise by the Five / Ten / or Eleven Indriyas or Faculties; We pray to that Form of Vishvasrashta, Vishvasthita and Vishvabhuta who is Unique, worshipped by Indra and all other Devas; You are the Holy Form of Yagnas, Devatas, Lokas and the Great Sky and even far beyond as You are Endless, inexplicable, and inexhaustible; and You are the reason of reasons, sinless and sin-destroyer, worshipped by the Highest of the Highest, Panchadashatmika and the bestower of the best of boons and Powers; We greet You with all humility and veneration!). [As all the Devas prayed to Surya Deva, the latter appeared and asked for the boon of considerably diminishing his conflagration and radiance; Surya Deva requested Vishvakarma to trim down his severity and with the Shakti so reduced be utilized for materialising Vishnu Deva’s Sudarshana Chakra, Shiva’s Shula, and various other ‘Ayudhas’or weapons like maces, Vajras, Dhanush and arrows, and so on. Thus Surya Deva’s extreme heat and illumination got reduced substantially and thus became some what less harsh and ruthless]. Trimurti Stuti At the beginning of Kalpa, Tri Murthis became victims of ‘Ahamkaar’ (Self-image) and when a gigantic form of luminosity appeared on the Sky, they were taken aback as to how this huge illumination emerged from! As the Great Light approached and dazzled their vision, the personification of Surya Deva in a ‘Virat Rupa’ (Collosal Form) got materialised, the Tri Murthis and Devaganas greeted it again and again with veneration.Lord Brahma eulogized the Virat Swarupa of Surya Deva as follows: Namastey Deva Devesha Sahasra kiranojjvala, Loka Deepa Namastestu Namastey Konavallabha/Bhaskaraaya Namo nityam Khakholkaya Namo Namah, Vishnavey Kaalachakraaya Somaayaamita tejasey/ Namastey Pancha Kaalaaya Indraaya Vasuretasey, Khagaaya Lokanathaaya Ekachakra rathaayacha/ Jadvitaya Devaaya Shivaayaamita tejasey, Tamoghnaaya Surupaaya tejasaam nidhaye namh/ Arthaya Kamarupaaya Dharmaayaamita tejasey, Mokshaaya Moksha rupaaya Suryaaya Namo Namah/ Krodhalobha viheenaaya lokaanaam sthith hetavey, Shubhaya Shubharupaaya Shubhadaaya Shubhhaatmaney/ Shantaaya Shantarupaaya Shanatayesmaasu vai namah, Namastey Brahmarupaaya Braahmanaaya namo namah/Brahma DevaayaBrahmarupaya Brahmaney Paramaatmaney, Brahmanye cha prasaadam cha vai kuru Deva Jatpatey/ Deva Devesha! Loka Deepa! Kona Vallabha! You are the source of phenominal illumination to the whole World; You are all the Deities like Bhaskara, Vishnu, Kaalachakra, Soma, Kaala, Indra, Vasu, Agni, Khaga, Lokanatha rolled in one as the Ekachakri, bestowing propitiousness and positiveness all over; You are the Embodiment of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha; You are the Personification of Tranquility and Peace, devoid of anger, greed, jealousy and partiality; You are the Parabrahma Himself! Lord Shiva complimented Surya Deva as follows: Jaya Bhaava Jayaajeya Jaya Hamsa Diwakara, Jaya Shambho Mahaabaho Khaga Gochara Bhudhara/ Jaya Loka Pradipaaya Jaya Bhano Jagatpatey, Jaya Kaala –jayaayanta Samvatsara Shubhaanana/Jaya Devaaditeh putra Kashyapaananda vardhanah, Tamoghna Jaya Saptesha Jaya Saptaashva vaahana/ Grahesha Jaya Kaanteesha Jaya Kaalesha Shankara, Artha Kaamesha Dharmesha Jaya Mokshesha Sharmada/ Jaya Vedaanga Rupaaya Graha Swarupaya vai namah, Satyaya Sathya Rupaaya Swarupaaya Shubhhaya cha/ Krodha lobha vinaashaya Kaamanaashaya vai Jaya, Kalmaasha pakshi rupaaya Yati rupaaya Shaambhavey/ Vishvaya Vishva rupaaya Vishva karmaaya vai Jayah, Jayonkaara Vashatkaara Swaahaakaara Swadhaamaya/ Jayascha Megha rupaayacha Agni rupaaryamaaya cha, Samsaaraarnava peetaaya Moksha dwara pradaaya cha/ Samsaara arnavamagnasya mama Deva Jagatpatey, Hastaavalambano Deva Bhava twam Gopatedbhuta/ (Bhagavan Surya Deva! Victory to You the Cause of Universal Existence; You are the Ajeya or the Invincible, Hamsa or Swan like Veda Rupa, Divakara or the Day-Maker, Mahabaahu or the Mighty Handed, Bhudhara or the Holder of Earth, Gochara or the Readily Visible / theTransitor of Planets, Bhava, Khaga, Loka Pradeepa, Jagtpati, Bhanu, Kaala, Ananta, Samvatsara and Shubhaanana or the Auspicious-Faced, Victory to You! Bhagavan Vishnu paid tributes to Surya Deva at his Virat Swarupa as follows: Namaami Devadevesham Bhutabhavanamavyayam, Diwaakaram Ravim Bhaanum Maartaandam Bhaskaram Bhagam/ Indra Vishnum Harim Hamsamarka Lokagurum Vibhum, Trinetram ThraiksharamThriangam Trimurthim Trigatim Shubham/ Shanmukhaya Namo Nityam Trinetraya Namo Namah, Chaturvimshati Paadaaya Namo Dwaadasha paanaye/Namastey Bhupataye Lokaanam pathayenamah, Devaanaam pataye Nithyam varnaanam pathaye namah/ Twam Brahma Twam Jagannatho Rudraswam Prajaapatih, Twam Somastwam tathaadistyastvam omkaaraka eva hi/Brihaspatirbudhastwam hi twam Shukrastwam Vibhaavasuh, Yamastwam Varunastwam hi namastey Kashyapaatmaja/Twaya tathamidam Sarvam Jagatsthaavara jangamam,Twat eva Samutpannam Sadevaasura maanusham/ Brahma chaaham cha Rudrascha samutpanno Jagatpatey, Kalpaadou tu puraa Deva sthitaye Jagatonagha/Namastey Veda Rupaaya Ahorupaaya vai namah, Namastey Jnaanarupaya Yagnaaya cha Namo Namah/ Praseedaasmaasu Devesha Bhutesha Kiranojjvala, Samsaaraanava magnaanaam prasaadam kuru Gopathey, Vedaantaya Namo Nityam Namo Yagna kalaaya cha/ (Salutaions to You Devadevesha! You are popular by the names of Diwakara, Ravi, Bhanu, Martanda, Bhaskara, Bhaga, Indra, Vishnu, Hari, Hamsa, and Arka; You are Vibhu, Trinetradhaari, Thryaksharatmaka, Thryangatmaka, Trimurti, Trijagati; You have six faces, tewntyfour feet and twelve hands, the Chief of the Occupants of all the Lokas; Jagatswami! It is only You who is Brahma, Rudra, Prajapati, Soma, Aditya, Omkara, Brihaspati, Budha, Shukra, Agni, Bhaga, Varuna, and Kashyapaatmaja. You stretch out the entire Universe comprising all the mobile and immobile Beings; You are the Creator of Devatas, Asuras and Manavas; You are responsible for the materialisation of the World, its preservation and its termination when the Trimurthis were created too’ You alone are the Vedarupa, Divasaswarupa, Yajna and Jnaanarupa; Be kind to us Kiranojjvala, Bhutesha, Gopatey, You are competely absorbed in the affairs of ‘Samsara’, the personification of Vedanta and Yagna Kalaa, Victory be with You!) [Essence of Bhavishya Purana]
This series of Stutis /Kavachas, Ashtottaras and Sahasranamas from the series of Essence of Puranas have been Compiled and edited by Sri. V.D.N.Rao,devotee of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam and Retired Official of the Government of India. The author can be contacted at Click here to read the Essence of various puranas