Essence Of
Varaha Purana
8 Creation of Agni Deva, his several names and implication of worship | |
When Maha Vishnu created ‘Panchabhutas’9Five Elements) and Loka Pitamah Brahma and commanded the latter to initiate creation, Brahma could not do so and he was extermely confused and hence angry and the rage created thousands of flames called Agni who became extremely thirsty. When Agni asked Brahma as to how his thirst could be quenched, Brahma showed three types of satisfying it viz.sharing the ‘Dakshinas’ received by Devas and hence Agni was known as ‘Dakshinagni’; the second way of Agni’s thirst was by carrying the Havans (Homas and Yajnas) performed in the Trilokas (Three Worlds) in favour of various Deities as their ‘Vahan’, thus becoming Agni popular as ‘Havyavahan’; the third way is that since Agni is present in each ‘Griha’ or household, he is known as ‘Garhapatyagni’. Brahma further named Agni as ‘Vaisvanara’ as the latter provides the means of bestowing ‘Sadgati’ (Salvation) to the virtuous beings performing havans and other good deeds. Agni is ‘Jataveda’ or protector of both Known and Unknown material; ‘Naaraa Prashamsa’-‘Naar’or people, especially ‘Dwijas’or twice born Brahmanas, Kshatriyas and Vysyas do ‘Prashamsa’ or praise; Known as ‘Dravinoda’as Agni provides money power. The other popular names accorded by Brahma to Agni are ‘Tanunpath’ (Agni protects Sharir/Asharir), ‘Prapurna’ (full of everything) and many other names. Agni desired to Brahma to designate a day of each Month so that all concerned would perform worship to Him. Since this was a unique request made by any Deity for the first time, Brahma confirmed Pratipada as a day of significance for Agni. Brahma blessed Agni that Pratipada be popularised among all the Lokas and worship to Agni by way of fasting (Upavas) or at the most by taking milk would quality a devotee to acquire prosperity and Tejas (radiance) during the current birth and to secure Kingship in the next birth and certainly please the Pitru Loka. | |
Prev:Origin of some Deities, specific days for worship and fruitful results |