Essence Of
Vamana Purana
9 Bali defeats Indra, Vamana’s Avatara and Bali’s Donation of Three Feet | |
( Stutis by Kashyapa, Aditi and Brahma and Virat Purusha Varnana) As King Bali of Daityas took over the reins of Trilokas from Virochana the son of Prahlada and the great Grand father of Hiranyakashipu, Devas lost power in Swarga and the mighty Mayasura and Shambara flew the Flag of Vijayanti too. Yet, the Daityas were steeply engaged in Dharmik deeds, and they were guarding the Sky providing stability all-around: Abhaavey Sarva paapaanaam Dharma bhavey sadothitey, Chatush –paadey sthitey dharmey hyadharmey paada vigrahey, Prajaapaalanayukteshu bhraajamaa -neshu Raajasu, Sarva dharma samprayukteshu tadhaashrama nivaasishu/ (There was complete absence of sinnersw in the Kingdom and Dharma was predominate; Dharma was established on four feet except on one; all the Deputised Kings were performing Administration ideally and all the Four Varnaas of population were observing Dharma perfectly) It was at that opportune time that the Coronation of Bali Chakravarti took place amidst the chanting of Victory by all concerned. Devi Lakshmi appeared and congratulated at Bali’s Elevation to Supremacy along with her ‘Amsaas’ like the Devis named Hreem,Kirti, Dyuti, Prabha, Dhruti, Kshama, Bhuti, Ruddhi , Divya, Mahamati, Shruti, Smriti, Ida, Shanti, Pushti, Kriya, and also select Apsaraas. Meanwhile, Devataas were disillusioned at their discomfiture and the climax of Bali’s high status especially because of Daitya King’s unchallenged success owing to his Dharma Paalana and the lack of any record of Evil deeds by Daityas; they were also denied their shares of Yahna Phalaas. They approached their mother Aditi for solace and advice and in turn she reached her husband Kashyapa Muni. Kashyapa found the situation was delicate and even Brahma might find it difficult as strictly speaking the record of Daityas was above board! Brahma advised that the only way out would be that Tapasya and Aditi would perform strict Tapasya to Vishnu Deva and seek the most difficult boon of Vishnu taking birth as their son! The Couple reached the Banks of Kshira Samudra at a holy spot called Amrita, performed austere Tapasya and ‘Kaamada Vrata’ for thousand years by controlling their Indriyas, observing silence and Kashyapa chanted Veda Yukta Sukta called Parama Stuti as follows: Namastestu tey Devadeva Ekashringa Vrushaaarchey Sindhu Vrushaarchey Sindhuvrusha, Vrishaakapey Suravrisha Anaadisambhava Rudra Kapila Vishvaksena/ Sarva Bhutapatey Dhruva Dharmaadharma Vaikuntha Vrishaavarta, Anaadimadhyanidhana Dhananjaya Shuchishravah Prushnatejah/ Nijajaya Amriteshaaya Sanaatana Tridhaama Tushita Mahaa Tatwa, Lokanaatha Padmanaabha Virinchey Bahurupa Akshaya Akshara/ Havyabhuja Khandaparasho Shakra Munjakesha Hamsa Maha Dakshina, Hrishikesha Sukshma Mahaaniyamadhara Viraja Loka pratishtha/ Arupa Agraja Dharmaja Dharma naabha Gabhastinaama, Shatakratunaabha Chandra ratha Surya Tejah Samudravaasah Ajah/ Sahrashirah Sahasrapaad Adhomukhaha Mahapurusha Purushottama, Sahasrabaaho Sahasramurtey Sahastraasya Sahasrasambhavah, Sahasratvam Twamaahuh/ Pushpahaasa Charama twameva Voushat, Vashatkaram twaamaahu ragryam Makheshu Praashitaaram Sahasradharam/ Cha Bhuscha Bhuvascha Suwascha Twameva Vedavedya Brahmashaya, Brahmana priya twameva dhaurasi Maatarishvasasi Dharmosi/ Hota Pota Mantaa Netaa Homahetustwameva Agrya, Vishwathaamnaa twameva dikbhih Subhaanda Ijjyosi/ Sumedhosi Samidhastwameva matirgatirdaataa twamasi, Mokshosi Yogisi Srujaasi Dhaataa Parama Yagnosi/ Somesi Dikshitosi Dakshinaasi Vishwamasi, Sthavira Hiranyanaabha Naraayana Trinayana Adityavarna/ Adityatejah Mahapurusha Purushottama Adi Deva Suvikrama, Prabhakara Shambho Swayambho Bhutaadih Mahabhutesi/ Vishva bhuta Vishvam twameva Vishwagoptaasi Pavitramasi,Viswabhuva Urthvakarma Amrita Divaspatey Vaachaspatey Ghrutaarchey, Ananta Karma Vamsha Praagvamsha Vishvapaatastwamewa/ Vaarthinaam Varadositwam, Chaturbhischa dwaabhyaam Panchabhireva cha, Yhuyatey cha punar –dhaabhyaam tubhyam Hotraatmaney Namah/ (Deva Deva, Eka Shringa, Vrishaarchi, Sindhuvrusha, Vrishaakapi, Suravrisha, Anaadi Sambhava, Rudra, Kapila, Vishvaksena, Sarva Bhuapati, Dhruva, Dharmaadharma, Vaikuntha, Vrishaa Karta, Anadi -madhya nidhana, Dhanajaya, Shrutishrava, Prushna Teja, Nijajaya, Amriteshaya, Sanaatana, Tridhaama, Tushita, Mahaa Tatwa, Lokanaatha, Padmanaabha, Virinchi, Bahurupa, Akshaya, Akshara, Havyabhuja, Khandaparashu, Shakra, Munjikesha, Hamsa, Mahaa Dakshina, Hrishikesha, Sukshma, Mahaniyamadhara, Viraja, Lokapratishtha, Arupa, Agraja, Dharmaja, Dharmanaabha, Gabhastunaabha, Shatakratunaabha, Chandra Ratha, Surya Teja, Aja, Sahasra shira, Sahasrapaada, Adhomukha, Maha Purusha, Purushotthama, Sahasrabaahu, Sahasra Murti, Sahasrasya, Sahasra Sambhava! I prostrate before you and touch your feet; You are commended as Sahasratva, Pushpahaasa, Charama / Sarvotthama; You are known as Voushta and Vashatkaara; You are Agrya or Sarvotthama, Yagna Praashita or Bhokta, Sahasra dhaara; You are the Bhur-Bhuva-Swah Swarupa; Veda Vedya or Recognisable through Vedas; Brahmashaya, Brahmanapriya; Dhyouh or Sarvavyapi like the Sky; Maatarishwa or Speedy like Vayu; Dharma, Hota, Potha / Vishnu; Mantaa, Netaa, Homa hetu or the Root Cause of Homa; Vishvateja, Agrya or Sarvasreshtha, Subhanda or like the Huge Patrarupa encompassing all Dishaas; You are worthy of Yajana or Ijya; Sumedha, Samidha, Mati, Gati, and Daataa; You are Moksha, Yoga, Srashta or the Supreme Creator; Dhata / Dhaarana and Poshana Karta; Parama Yagna, Soma, Dikshita, Dakshina and Vishwa; You are Sthavira, Hiranyanaabha, Narayana, Trinayana, Adityavarna, Aditya Teja, Maha Purusha, Purushottama, Adi Deva, Suvikrama, Prabhakara, Shambhu, Swayambhu, Bhugtaadi, Maha Bhuta, Vishwa Bhuta, and Vishwa; You are the Samsaara Raksha, Pavitra, Vishwa bhava or Vishwa Srashta, Urthwa Karma or Uttama Karma, Amrita or Everlasting, Divaspati, Vaachaspati, Ghrutaarchi, Anantakarma, Vamsha, Pragvamsha, Vishwapa or Vishwa Paalaka, Varada or the Bestower of boons; and finally, You are the Hotraatma or who is responsible for producing Agnihotra by way of the seventeen counted Aksharaas or Letters viz. Four ‘Aashraavayas’ plus four ‘Astu Shroushads’ plus two ‘Yajaas’ plus five ‘Yajaamahyes’ and again two ‘Vashats’). Devi Aditi also made a commendatory appeal to Janaardana seperately and said: Namah krutyaarta naashaaya Namah Pushkara maaliney, Namah Parama Kalyaana Kalyaanaadi vedhasey/ Namah Pankajanertaaya Namah Pankaja naabhaey, Namah Pankaja Sambhuti sambhavaayaatma yonaey/ Shriyah Kaantaayaa daantaaya Daantadrushyaaya Chakriney, Namah Padmaasi hastaaya Namah Kanaka retasey/ Tathaatma Jnaana Yagjnaaya Yogi chintyaaya Yoginey, Nirgunaaya Visheshaaya Haraye Brahmarupiney/Jagaccha tishthatey yatra jagato yo na drushyatey, Namah Sthulaati Sukshmaaya tasmai Devaaya Shaaranginey/ Yam na pashyanti pashyanto Jagadapyakhilam Naaha, Apashyadbhirjagadyascha drushyatey hridi samshitah/ Bahirjyotiralakshyo yo lakshyatey Jyotisha parah, Yasminneva yataschaiva Hasyaitadakhilam Jagat/ Tasmai Samasta jagataamamaraaya Namo Namah, Aadyah Prajaapatih sopi Pitrunaam Pamam Patih, Patih Syraanaam yastasmai namah Krishnaaya Vedhasey/ Yah Pravrutthai Nivruttaischa Kamkabhistu virajjyatey,Swargaapavarga phalado Namastasmai Gadaabhrutey/Yastu sanchintyamaanopi Sarvam paapam vyapohati,Namastasmai Vishuddhaaya Parasmai Harimedhasey/ Ye pashyanthy akhikaadhaara meeshaana majama- vyayam, na punarjanma smaranam praapnuvanti Namaami tam/ Yaa yagney Yagnaparamairijj- yatey Yagnasamsthitah, Tam Yagna Purusham Vishnum Namaami Prabhumeeswaram/ Geeyatey Sarva Vedeshu Vedavidbhirvidaam gatih/ Yastasmai Vedavidyaaya Nityaaya Viushnavey Namah/ Yato Vishwam samrudbhutam yasmin Pralayameshyati, Vishvodbhava Pratishthaaya Namastasmai Mahaatmaney/ AaBrahma stambha paryantam Vyaptam yena charaacharam, Mayaajaala samunnaddhamtamupendram namaamyaham/ Yotra Toyaswarupastho bibharty –akhilameeshwarah, Vishwam Vishwapatim Vishnum tam Namaami Prajaapatim/ Murtim tamosuramayam taddhidho vinihanti yah, Raatrijam Surya Rupeecha tamupendram namaamyaham/ Yasyaakshini Chandra Suryo Sarvaloka Shubhaashubham, Pashyatah karma satatam tamupendram namaamyaham/ Yasmin Sarveshwarey sarvamSatyametanmayoditam, Naanrutam tamajam Vishnum Namaami Prabhavaavyayam/ Yadyetat Satyamuktam mey Bhuyaschaato Njanardana, Satyena tena sakalaah Puryantaam mey Manorathaah/ (Prabho! I am grieving with unimaginable anguish which could be destroyed only by you. My Salutations toYou Bhagavan who sports lotus garlands and Pushakara malaas; You are the Adi Vidhata who is an embodiment of propitiousness! You are Kamala Nayana, Padmanaabha, the Creator of Brahma, Atmajanma, Lakshmi Pati, Indriya damana, worthy of darshan only by Samayama Yogis, Sudarshana and Khadga dhaari! Only those ‘Atmagyanayuta’ Yagnakartas, Yogadhyaanis and Yoga Saadhakaas could aspire to visualise your Gunarahita Brahma Swarupa! May I pay my obeisances to you Sharanga Dhari Deva! as you occupy the whole world in a Gross Form and yet possess the tiniest Form which is invisible! Those persons who do not make efforts to visualise you do not get your Darshan any way, but those who have no other desire in life excepting you would readily witness you are blessed with your image in their hearts always for the asking! Your unbelievable Jyoti or extraordinary Radiance is all-pervading in the entire Universe in which you are present invisibly and contrarily the Universe is but an integral segment of You Parama Deva! In other words, You are all over the Universe, the Universe was created by you and in fact the Universe is of Yours! My humble greetings to you the original Prajapati! Pitara Sreshtha! Devata Swami! Shri Krishna! Here are my Pranaams again and again! You are the Supreme Objective of Pravritti and Nivritti Deeds (Ritualistic and Directly unswerving approach) and the Unique Decider of bestowing Swarga or Moksha the Eternal Bliss! My namashkaaraas to you Vishuddha Swarupa as even my taking your very name and memory would smash all my sins! You are the Avinaashi or Indestructible; Akhilaadhara or the Mighty Clutch of the Entirety; the Only Reliever of the Trap of Birth-Death Cycle! You are perceptible through Yagnaas, the Yagna Murti, the Yagna Sthita and Yagna Purusha! Vedas commend you, Vedajnaas sing your hymns, You are the ‘Vidwadjanaashraya’ or the one who is fond of the Company of Vidwadjanaas. My Most Revered Paramaatma! The whole Vishwa is your Creation, Sustenance and also the Termination thus You are the Vishva Kartha, Vishva Bharta and the Vishwa Harta! I pray to that Highest Magnificence who materialised Surya Swarupa and destroyed darkess for good. To that Sarveswara, the Ajanma, Avyaya, Srashta and Vishnu who is fully aware of the Truth about me and the transparency and earnestness of my Prayers that I am prostrating with humility craving him to grant my wish!) As both Kashyapa Muni and Devi Aditi made their Soul-full Prayers, the impossible Darshan of Bhagavan Vishnu appeared and granted the wish that he would indeed assume His Incarnation with a view to reinstate Indra and Devas to Swarga and Trilokas. As Aditi got conceived and Bhagavan Vishnu agreed to do so, Prithvi got tremored , Mountains were shaken, and Sapta Samudras were agitated with wobbles of waves and there was strangeness all-around! Bali Chakravarti felt that there were considerable changes in the Nature as mountians were trembling and high Sea tides were on new high and more so Daityas were experiencing paleness and loss of their normal instincts of courage, assertiveness and egoism. Bali approached his grand father Prahlada and asked for the causes of these omens and premonitions. Parama Bhakta Prahlada deeply meditated Bhagavan Srihari and visualised the latter in the Garbha of Devi Aditi and had fleeting scenes of Ashtaadasha Vasus, Ekadasha Rudras, Dwadasha Adityas, two Ashvini Kumaraas, Forty Nine Maruts, Sandhyas, Vishwa Devas, Gandharvas, Nagas, Rahkshasaas, his Son Virochana, Bali Chakravarti, Jambha, Kujumbha, Narakasura, Baana, and several other Daityas, Pancha Bhutas, Seas, Mountains, Rivers, Satpa Dwipaas, Brahma, Shiva, Nava Grahas, Daksha and other Prajapatis, Sapta Rishis and so on. Prahlada gave a heavy exhalation and conveyed the datails what all he visioned and said that the Greatest Narayana in would soon be descending on Earth in his incarnation as Vamana Deva! Bali could not comprehend the full import of what Prahlada underlined and expressed his surprise whether Vamana Deva coud be ever comparable with the Senior most Rakshasaas like Viprachitta, Shibi, Sankha, Ayamshanku, Hayashira, Ashwa Shira, Bhangha kaara, Maha Hanu, Kakkuraaksha and Durjaya. As Bali talked in such thoughtless comparisons with Paramatma and some examples of Danavas howerver mighty they might be, Parhlada got highly infuriated and shouted at Bali that there could not be bigger immature fool and hollow minded; he said that Bali’s evil frame of mind would certainly lead the entire Vamsha of Daityas to doom:Yeshaam twameedrusho Rajaa Durbuddhiravivekamaan, Deva devam Mahabhaagam Vaasudevamajam Vibhum, Twaamrutey Paapa sankalpa konya evam vadishyati/ Ya yeto bhava -taa proktaah samasta Daitya daanavaah, Sa Brahmakaastathaa Devaah Staavaraantaa vibhu -tayah/ Twam chaaham cha Jagacchedam Saadridrumanadivanam, Samudradwipalokoyam yaschedam sacharaacharam/ Yasyaabhivaadya vandyasya vyaapinah Paramaatmanah, Ekaam -shaamshi kalaajanma kastameyvam Pravikshyati/ Rutey Vinaasha abhimukham twaameka mavivekinam, Durbuddimajitaatmaanam Vriddhaanaam Shashanaa -tigam/ Shochaneeyamyasya -mey gehey Jaatastava Pitaadhamah, Yasya twamee -drushah Putro Deva devaavamaanakah/---Nindaam karoshi tasmistwam Krishney Guru Guror Gurow,Yasmaat tasmaadihaiva twamaishwa -ryaad bhramshameyshasi/ Sa Devo Jagataam Naatho Baley Prabhur janaardanah, Nanvaham pratyavekshyastey Bhaktimaanatra mey Guruh/ Yetaanmaatra mapya -tra ninditaa Jagato Gurum, Naapekshitastavyaa yasmaat tasnaacchaapam dadaamitey/ Yathaa-mey shirasacche -daadim gurutaram Baley, Twayoktamachutaakshepam Rajya bhrashta stathaa pata/ Yathhana Krishnaadaparah Paritraanam Bhavaarnavey, Tathaachirena pashyeyam bhavantam Raajjya -vichutam/ (Bali! I have not come across a King of this kind who is evil-minded and dull-witted that could blame the Devaadhi Deva, Maha Bhaga, Sarva Vyaapi Vaasudeva; the names of the Daityas that you have taken as the so-called Mighty as also of Brahma and Devas were created by that Paramatma; indeed with just one ‘Amsha’of myriad of his Amshaas, he created the whole Charaacharaas and Samasta Vibhutis or Manifestations including you, me, Daityas, Parvataas, Vrikshaas, Rivers, Forests, Samudraas, Sapta Dwipas, and so on and He is Sarva-Vandya, Sarva-Vyapi, and Sarva-Vidita; would there be a Vivekaheen-Murkha-Durbuddhi like you who would pass judgments on Him! What-ever are the reasons due to which you are faulting your Guru/ your father, or his father who is me or the Parama Guru who is Paramatma might be best known to you! Your talking slightingly against Narayana is by far the worst since it tantamounts to cutting my head and it is to set right those feelings of pride and egotism that I am giving you a ‘Shaap’ / Curse that soon you would be dislocated from your Kingdom, Aishwarya, and ego. ) Chakravarti Bali was distraught and distressed at this most unforunate happening of Prahlada’s curse and was ashamed of himself for his rash, thoughtless and sinful belittling of Bhagavan’s uniqueness which had understandably stirred up the anger of a legendary Bhakta of the unparalelled stature of Prahlada. He confessed that there was a total loss of his mental faculties when he conversed at that time due to superciliousness and over-enthusiasm of having defeated Devas which propelled his traits of arrogance; indeed his remarks had correcrly hurt his grand father who was fully justified in giving him an irreparable curse but far worse than the curse, his behaviour which hurt elders, like Prahlada, who built a reputation of the family as Narayana Bhaktas, was sullied in the memory of future generations. This was humiliating to the Vamsha that he was squarely responsible! He begged of Prahlaadaa’s forgiveness which he did not deserve and would feel repentant ever day and night. Prahlaada appreciated Bali’s remorse and said that he was incensed up at that moment and the anger led him to obsession which lost his mentral equilibrium that caused the pronoucement of the curse, for which he felt exremely sad. But a lesson was provided to Bali and fully converted him as a Parama Bhakta of Narayana. Mean while, Devi Aditi deliverd a lovely male child in short stature when Nature assumed a blossomed freshness that was rare, the Gagana Mandala was clean without any trace of pollution and Vayu was pleasantly soft and nicely odoured quite unfamiliar in the human world. The proud parents invited Brahma to perform Jaatakarma and Namakarana as Vamana Murti. Brahma Stuti to Vamana Deva :It was at that time when Brahma could not suppress his emotions and broke in his ecstasy into an instant Eulogy as follows: Jaadheesha Jayaajeya Jaya Vishwa Guro Harey, Janmamrityu jaraateeta Jayaananta Jayaachyuta/ Jayaajita Jayaasesha Jayaavyakta sthitey Jaya, Jagatojagadantesha sthitey Jaya, Paramaarthaartha Sarvajna Jnaanajeryaartha nihsuta/ Jayaasesha Jagatsaakshir Jagagatkartrur Jagat Guro, Jagatojagadantesha sthitou paalayatey Jaya/ Jagaakhila Jayaasesha Jaya Sarvahridistitha, Jagaadi madhyaantamaya Sarvajnaana mayottama/ Mumukshubhinirdeshya Nityahrashtha Jayeswara, Yogibhirmukti kaamaistu Damaadi guna bhushana/ Jayaatisukshma Durjeya Jaya sthula Jaganmaya, Jaya Sukshmaati sukshma twam Jayaanindriya sendriya/ Jaya Swaamaayaa yogastha Seshabhoga Jayaashara, Jayaikadamshtra praaptena samuddhita Vasumdhara/ Nrukesarin Suraataati Vakshahsthala vidaarana, Saamopratam Jaya Viswaatman Mayaa Vaamana Keshava/ Nija maayaa paricchhinna Jaddhaatarjanaardana, Jayaachintya Jayaaneka Swapupaika vidha Prabho/ Vruddhiswa Vardhitaaneka Vikaara Prakrutey Harey, Twayyeshaa Jagataameesho samshtitaa Dharma paddhatih/ Na twaamaham na cheshaano Neindraadyaastri dashaa Harey, Jaatumeeshaa na Munyah Sanakaadyaa na Yoginah/ Twam maayaapata samveeto Jagatyatra Jagatpatey, Kastwaam vetsyati Sarvesha twaprasaadam vinaa Narah/ Twamevaaraadhito yasya Prasaada sumukhah Prabho, Sa yeva kevalam Devam vetti twam netaro janah/ Tadeeshwareshwarey -shaana Vibho Buddistwa bhaavana, Prabhavaayasya Vishwasya Vishwaatman Pruthulochana! (Victory to you Adheesha, Ajeya, Vishwa Guru Hari, Ananta who is devoid of Birth and End; Achyuta, Ajiota, Asesha, Avyakta Sthita Bhagavan, Paramaartha Purti Nimita, Sarvajna who distinguishes Jnaana and Jneya, Asesha Jagat Saakshi, Jagat Kartaa, Jagat Guru, Jagat-Ajagat Sthita or Existent in Charaachara; Paa lana-Pralaya Swami, Akhila, Asesha, Sarva Hridaya Sthita; Adi-Madhyama-Anta Swarupa; Samasta Jnaana Murti, Uttama, Visualisable only by Mumukshaas, Mukti Sadhana by Yoga sevitaas, Nitya Prasanna and Parameshwara who is ornamented by Dama, Kshama and such other qualities; Atyanta Sukshma Swarupa, Durjeya or realisable with great difficulty; Sthula (Gross) and at the sametime AtiSukhsma (Tiniest); Indriya Sahita and Indriya Rahita; Mayaayuta yogastitha; Sesha shaayi Avinaashi; Bahurupa dhaari; Ekadamshtra Prithvyoddhaara Varaha Rupa or Varaha Rupa who lifted Earth with a single tusk; Hiranyakahipa vakshasthala vidirna Nrisimha; Maya Vaamanarupa dhara; Mayaavruta Samsaara dharana Parameswara or the Holder of Samsara surrounded by Maya; Dhyaananeka Swarupa dhaarana karaa; Eka Vidhi Vibho!You are the epitome of Buddhi / Intellect; Jagaddharma marga Sthita Prabho! Myself, Shankara, Indra, Sanakaadi Munis and Maha Yogiganaas had failed to understand about you as we are all shrouded by Vishnu Maya; who else could gauge your personality excepting your self! Only those who are dedicated to you and are ever-engaged with your constant ‘Araadhana’ could have a chance of pleasing you and none else. Ishwareshwara! Ishaana! Vibho! Bhavana! Vishwatma! Pruthulochana! Vishwa Prabhava or Srishti kaarana! Vishnu! May you grow from strength to strength! Victory to you Paramatma!) As Bhagavan Hrishikesha was prayed to by Brahma, the former smiled and said that in the past Indra and Devas and Kashyapa Muni as also Devi Aditi paid their homges and recited Stotras to him and he assured that he would assume the incarnation of Vamamna Murti; he further assured that he would have Indra and Devatas reinstated as Trilokaadhipatis soon. In course of time Brahma offered Krishna Mrigacharma to Bhagavan and Brihaspati performed Upanayana and Yagnopaveeta dharana; Marichi Maharshi gifted Palaasha danda, Visishtha gave kamandalu, Angira Muni gave a Silk Vastra, Pulaha Muni gave a mat as Aasana, and various other Munis taught the Vatu the purport of Omkaara, Vedas, Shastras, Sankhya Yoga, Darshana Yuktis etc. Having been trained in all these disciplines,Vamana Deva had one fine morning left for the Yagna Shaala of Bali Chakravarti as the latter was executing a SacredYagna while carrying his mat, danda /stick, chhatra / umbrella and kamandulu / water vessel. Danava Guru Shukracharya was aware that Vishnu Deva in the form of Vamana Murti was arriving at the Yagna and briefed Bali Chakravarti to be extremely careful as Vishnu was a sauve and highly talented person to put words in the mouths of the opponents. The Guru reminded Chakravarti that the latter denied the age-old practice of rights to yagna’s shares to Devataas and that Vamana Murti might as well ask for the revival of the practice but those shares were now enjoying by Danava Chiefs. Bali replied to Danava Guru that in case Vishnu in the incarnation of Vamana Murti came and requested for any thing then how could a King say ‘no’ to it! Bali told the Danava Guru: Brahman katha -maham bruyaamanyapi hi yachitah, Naastiti kim Devasya Samsaarasyaaghahaarinah/ Vratopa- vaasairvividhairyah Prabhurgrunhatey Harih, Sa mey vakshyati deheeti Govindah kimato -dhikam? Naasteeti yanmayanoktamanyeshaamapi yaachataam, Vakshyaami kathamaaya -tey tadadya chaamarechutey/Shlaagha eva hi veeraanam Daanaacchaapt samaagamah, Na badhaakaari yadyaanam tadanga Balavat smrutam/ (Brahmanaachaarya! How could I deny any body requesting me for a favour! And if that Supreme Deva asked me for a charity, then what else would be the alternative! While Parameswara received the fruits of Vrataas, Upavaasaas, and so on from one and all, and if that Parameswara himself asked a boon from me, could there be a greater fortune to me! When even an ordinary person approached me for a favour, then too that could not be denied by a King; then when Narayana himself asked for it, could such an opportunity presented itself, this chance could never indeed be missed. Even if there are difficulties in executing a charity, the value of charity would get multiplied and ‘Veera purushaas’ would never deter from performing the deed) Having said the above, Bali asked Shukraachaarya: Yatagjnaatwaa Munisreshtha!Daanavighna karenamey, Naiva Bhavyam Jagannaathey Govidey samupastithey! ( By understanding the above, Munisreshta! Please do not create ‘Daana Vighnaas’ or hurdles in the execution of the Charity!). As Vamana Deva arrived at the Yagna shaala, Bali welcomed him, offered ‘Arghya’, ‘Aasana’, Puja and offered him limitless gold, jewellery, elephants, horses, cows, women, clothes, bunches of villages or townships or whatever would be his wish! Vamana Deva replied smilingly: Mamagnisharanaarthaaya dehi Rajan Padatrayam, Suvarnagraamaratnaadi tadarthibhyah pradeeyataam/ (Raja! Please provide to me three feet of land to enable me to set up an Agni- Shaala). Bali said that after all three feet would be nothing as he could ask for a lakh of feet which could be given away, but Vamana Deva replied that he was indeed satisfied with that much of Bhumi and if the King were to offer more he might as well provide to the other needy! Bali Chakravarti readily agreed not understanding the implication and as the deed of Daana was being executed and Vamana Deva extended his hand to the King and expanded his Vamana Rupa gradually immediately: Sarva Devamayam rupam darshayaamaasa tatkshanaat/ Chandra Suryoutu nayaney dyouh shirascharanou Kshitih, Paadaangulyah Pishaachaastu Hastaangulya –scha Gruhakaah/ Vishvedevaascha jaanusthaa janghey Saadhyaah Surottamaah, Yakshaa nakheshu sambhutaa rekhaapsaraastathaa/ Drushtirrukshaanya seshaani keshaah Suryamshvah Prabhoh, Taarakaa romakupaani romeshu cha Maharshayah/ Baahavo vidishatasya Dishaah Shrotrey Mahatmanah, Ashvinou Shravaney tasya naasaa Vayurmahaatmanah/ Prasadey Chandramaa Devo Mano Dharmah samaashritah, Satyasyaabhavad Vaani Jihvaa Devi Saraswati/ Greevaarditirdeva mataa Vidyaastadvalayastathaa, Swargadwaaramabhunmaitrah twashtaa Pushaa cha vai bhruvou/ Mukhe Vaishvaanarschaascha vrushanou tu Prajaapatih, Hridayamcha Param Brahma Pumstwam vai Kashapo Munih/ Prushthesya Vasavo Devaa Marutah Sarva saandhishu, Vakshasthaley tathaa Rudro Dharryachaasya Mahaarnavah/ Udarey chaasya Gandharvaa Marutascha Mahaabalaah, Lakshmirmedhaa Dhrutih Kaantih Sarv Vidyaascha vai Katih/ Sarvajyoteesham Yaaneeha Tapascha Paramam mahat, Tasya Devaadhi Devasya tejah prodbhutamuttamam/ Tanou Kukshishu Vedaascha jaanuni cha Mahaamakhaah, Ishtayah pashavaschaasya Dwujaanaam cheshtitaanicha/ Tasya Devamayam rupam drushtaa Vishnormahaatmanah, Upasarpanti tey Daityaah patangaa iva paavaakam/ Chakshurastu Mahaa Daityaah Paadaangushtham gruheetavaan, Dantaabhyaam tasya vai greevaa mangushtheynaahana dharih/ Prathamya Sarvaansuraan Paadahastathalairvibhuh, Krutwaa Rupam Mahaakaayam Samjahaaraashu Modineem/ Tasya Vikramato Bhumim Chandraadityaou stanaantarey, Nabho Vikramamaanasya sakthidesho stitathaarvibhou/Param Vikramaanasya jaanumuley Prabhaakarou, Vishnoraastaam sthitasyaitow Devapaalana jkarmani/ Jitwaa Lokatrayam taamscha hatwaachaasura pungavaan, Purandaraaya Trailokyam dadou Vishnururukramah/ (Instantly, Vamana Murti displayed his Virat Swarupa: Chandra and Surya were his two Eyes,Shy was his head, Prithvi his feet, Pishachaas were his foot-fingers, Gruhyakaas were his hand fingers, Vishwa Deva Ganaas were in his jaanus /knees,Sadhyas were his janghaas, Yakshaas were his nails, Apsarsaas were his palm lines, Nakshatras were his Eye sight, Surya kiranas were his hairs, Stars were his body hairs, Maharshiganaas were in the hair roots, Vidishas were his hands, Dishaas were his ears, Ashwini Kumars were his faculty of hearing, Vayu was his nose, Chandra Deva was his joking faculty, Dharma Deva was his thinking capacity, Satya was his voice and Saraswati was his tongue, Deva Mata Aditi was his neck, Vidya was his valiyaas or long poles; Pushas were his eye brows, Swarga dwar was his anus, Vaishvanara his face, Prajapati his vrushanaas, Param Brahma was his heart, Kashyapa Muni was his Pumstwa,Vasu Devata was his back, Marutganaas were his Sandhis, Rudra was his Vakshasthala, Mahaarnavaa was his Dhairya, Gangharvas were in his stomach; Lakshmi, Medha, Dhruti, Kaanti and all Vidyaas were in his ‘Kati Pradesha’; the luster and radiance in the total Universe as also the Tapo teja or the power of meditation was the reflection of the magnificence of Natayana; Vedas and Sciptures and the huge Yagnaas and the Sacred Deeds of the Virtuous like Maharshis and Brahmanas were all inside in his ‘kukshi’ or belly. On viewing the Paramatma’s ‘Virat Swarupa’, the so called ‘Mahaasuraas’ referred to earlier in ignorance by Chakravarti Bali before Prahlada’s curse to him got burnt off like flies before a gigantic out berak of Fire! Having thus occupied the Universe in totality including the sub-terrain Sapta Paatalaas, Vamana Deva stated that since Bali took the water in his hand and donated the THREE FEET of Land, and blessed him to be the King of the Sapta Paatalaas and granted him long life till the and of Manvantara of the on-going Vaisawata Manu. He also blessed Bali that all the ‘Homa Phalas’ at the time of Shraddhas to be performed even by Brahmanas, besides incomplete and defective Vratas, Agni Kaaryaas without ghee, and Kusha grass roots as also the daanas without detachment would belong to Bali and his followers. Ityetat kathitam asya Vishnor mahatmyamutthamam, Shrunuyaadyo Vamanasya Sarva Paapaih pramuchyatey/ Bali Prahlaada samvaadam mantritam Bali Shakrayo, Baleyrvishnoscha charitam ye smarishyanti Maanavaah/ Naadhayo Vyadhayesteshaam na cha Mohaakulam Manah, Chuturaajye nijam Raajyamishta- praptim Viyogawaan/ Samaapnoti Mahabhaagaa Narah shrutwa kathaamimaam/ Brahmano Vedamaapnoti Kshatriyo Jayatey Mahim, Vaishyo Dhana Samruddim cha Shudrah Sukhamaampunuyaat, Vaamanasya Matmyam shrunvan Paapaih pramuchyatey/ (Whosoever hears of this narration of Vamana Charitra and Mahatmya would have no ‘Adhi-Vyadhis’ or external and internal problems and be freed from sins; Brahmanas would attain Veda Prapti, Kshatriyas of Victories, Vaishyas of Dhana Samruddhi; As they read or hear of Prahlada-Bali Samvada or of Bali and Vishnu Charitra, one would aviod situations of Official hindrances and achieve the desired goals of life.) | |
Prev:Origin of Kurukshetra: Samvarna-Tapati Vivah, King Kuru and Kurukshetra Mahatmya |