Essence Of Devi Bhagavata Purana

Bhagvat Purana presents the Essence of Devi Bhagavata Purana in English, condensed by Sri. V.D.N.Rao, devotee of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam and retired official of the Government of India. Devi Bhagavata Purana is one of the major eighteen Puranas.

This is part of the series of Puranas being featured on after Bhagavata Purana, Skanda Purana, Narada Purana, Shiva Purana, Markandeya Purana and Padma Purana. The author can be contacted at



Maha Vishnu remote-controlled by Devi Bhagavati

Devi Bhagavati blesses Vishnu as Hayagreeva

Vishnu destroys Madhu Kaitabha brothers

Devi Bhagavati - ‘Nirguna’ and ‘Virupa’ Shakti

Interplay of Primary ‘Gunas’ causes Chandra’s Romance with Tara

Budha weds Ila ( King Sudyumna)

King Pururava’s infatuation with Apsara Urvasi

Maharshi Veda Vyas and Son Suka Maha Muni

Physical Manifestation of Maha Devi to Vishnu

How King Janaka convinced Suka Muni to marry?

Muni Suka’s wedding and Salvation thereafter

Genesis of ‘Matsyagandha’ alias Satyavati

Chain reaction of Ganga -King Mahabhisha-Ashta Vasus- King Shantanu

Gangeya, the exemplary ‘Bhishma’, of Mahabharata

Pandavas and Kauravas- Quick proceedings of ‘Maha Bharata’

Maha Bhagavati allows vision of the dead at Kurukshetra Battle

Asvathama punished and Parikshith born

Janamejaya’s ‘Sarpa Yagna’( Snake Sacrifice) stopped by Sage Asita and Veda Vyasa

Vision of Maha Bhagavati by Trimurtis

Trinity’s Prayers to Maha Bhagavati and Sixteen ‘Tatvas’

Devi Bhagavati Explains about Her Vibhutis ( Manifestations & Powers)

The ‘Gunas’ ( Attributes) and their Characteristics

How Satyavrata an illiterate Brahmin became a Learned Sage?

Amba Yajna-Regulations and Precedent Performers

Lord Vishnu performs Amba Yajna

Sura Sena’s Illustration of Maha Devi’s Glories

Navaratri Celebrations-Methodology and Rewards

Explanations of ‘Karma’ on queries about Krishna Avatar

Nara and Narayana, Urvasi and Prahlada

Sage Bhrigu curses Maha Vishnu

Links to previous births of personalities during Vishnu ‘Avataras’

Burden of Evil on Earth and the Role of ‘Maha Maya’

Lord Krishna’s ‘Leelas’ ( Miracle Acts)

Lord Krishna prays to Maha Deva

Supremacy of Maha Deva Over Maha Vishnu

Origin of Mahishasura and his battle with Devas

Maha Devi’s Physical features

Mahishasura’s amorous proposals to Maha Devi

Carnage of Mahishasura’s Army

Maha Devi destroys Mahishasura

Sumbha, Nikumbha and followers slayed by Devi Ambika

Glories of Chandika Devi

Procedure of worshipping Maha Devi

Navavarana Puja- Names of Devis in Nine Enclosures

Indra kills Trisira and Vritra and his penance

Sages Vasishtha Vs. Visvamitra and their ‘Ahankaras’ (Egos)

Personality clashes of Sages and Kshatriyas

Play of ‘Maya’ - Narada’s wedding and womanhood !

Genesis of Lord Brahma and His various creations

Solar Dynasty- Origin and Highlights

Magnificence of Satakshi Maha Devi

Ultimate Supremacy of Bhagavati Unquestionable

Daksha Prajapati – Sati Devi, Maha Deva and ‘Shakti Peethas’

Devas and Trinity pray to Maha Bhagavati of ‘Nirguna’ and ‘Nirakara’

Maha Bhagavati’s ‘Virat Swarupa’

‘Ashtanga’ ( Eight Limbed) Yoga’ Practice – Rules and Regulations

‘Nadis’ and ‘Chakras’

Brahma Gyan ( The Knowledge of Almighty)

Bhakti and ‘Punya Kshetras’ ( Holy Places of Pilgrimage)

External and Internal Ways of Worship

Brief description of Oceans, Dvipas, Mountains and Rivers

Sun, Planets, Dhruva, Sisumara, Skies and Sub-Terrain

‘Naivedyas’ (Offerings) for worship of Devi Bhagavati

Portrayal and manifestations of Prakriti

Prakriti and Purusha- Integrated Concepts

Worship of Vidya Devi Sarasvati- ‘Puja’, ‘Kavacha’ and Hymns

Maha Vishnu’s Directives to Sarasvati, Ganga and Tulasi

Universal Dissolution and Revival of Bhu Devi ( Earth)

Worship to Devi Ganga

Worship to Devi Tulasi and ‘Salagramas’

Yamadharmaraja briefs Savitri – on Karma, Bhakti, Charity, Sins, Hells and ‘Vratas’

Worship to Maha Lakshmi and Her Partial Extensions

Worship of Devi Radha and Devi Durga

Sakti ‘Rupas’ ( Images) during Manvantaras

Emphasis on Dharma and Right Living

Significance of ‘Rudrakshas’ and Bhasmas

Method of ‘Sandhya Vandana’ and worship of Devi Gayatri

Mani Dvipa the Abode of Devi Bhagavati

King Janamejaya perfoms Devi Yagna

Devi Bhagavata ‘Phala Sruti’ ( Benefits of Reading and Hearing)

Annexure - Gayatri Sahasramana ( Thousand names of Devi Gayatri)

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