1    Invocation
Ganesha Brahmesha Suresha Seshaah Suraascha Sarvey Manavey Muneendraah, Saraswati Shri Girijaadikaascha Namanti Devyah Pranamaami tham Vibhum/
(I salute that Unique Paramatma whom Ganesha, Brahma, Maha Deva, Devendra, Sesha Naaga and other Devas, Manus, Sages as also Sarasvati, Lakshmi, Girija and other Devis stoop their heads down).
Sthulaasthanurnurvidathatam Trigunam Viraajam,
Vishwaani Lomavivareshu Mahaantamaadhyam/
Srushtyunmukhah Swakalayaapi Samarja Suksham,
Nithyam Samethya idiyastamajam bhajaami/
(I worship in my heart and soul that Inimitable Virat Purusha who materialised separate Forms of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva to perform the three acts of Creation, Preservation and Demolition with the aid of Three Features of Satvika, Rajasika and Tamasika respectivley and absorb the whole Universe in his hairy pores of skin by his Sukshma Rupa or ‘Antaryaami Atma’ (Inner Conscience).
Vandey Krishnam Gunaateetam Param Brahmaachutam yatah/
Aavirbhu Bhuvah Praktruthi Brahma Vishni Shivaadayah/
(I greet Para Brahma Vaasudeva who is all pervading and everlasting from who had emerged Prakriti Maya, as also Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and other Devas).
At the huge gathering of Sages at Naimisharanya, Shounaka Muni requested Suta Maharshi to narrate such a Purana in which the ‘Karana Tatwa’ or ‘raison d’tre’/ motivation of the Supreme Being taking ‘Form and Substance’; whether this ‘Form’or of ‘Prakriti’ was definable by ‘Gunas’ (Features), ‘Tatwas’ (Characteristics) and ‘Kalas’ (attributes); the manifestations of that Paramount Power representing Creation, Preservation and Demolition; the various methods of ‘Dhyana’(meditation), the Targets of meditation in Goloka, Vaikuntha, Shivaloka, as also of the ‘Amsas’or alternate Forms of Devas.

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