अच्युताच्युत हरे परमात्मन् राम कृष्ण पुरुषोत्तम विष्णो ।
वासुदेव भगवन्ननिरुद्ध श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ १॥
acyutaacyuta hare paramaatman
raama krishna purushottoma vishno
vaasudeva bhagavannaniriddha
Shripate Shamaya duckhamaShesham.(1)
Oh, the unlapsing Lord, the unswerving Being, Hari, the supreme Self, the handsome Shriaama, the dark-blue Krishna, the best Purusha, the all-pervading God, the One enveloping all and residing in all, Bhagavaan possessing the six essential characteristics, the unabated and unobstructed Lord, the Lord of Goddess Shri, may You ward off all our sufferings and pains.
विश्वमङ्गल विभो जगदीश नन्दनन्दन नृसिंह नरेन्द्र ।
मुक्तिदायक मुकुन्द मुरारे श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ २॥
viShvamangala vibho jagadiSha
nandanandana nrisimha narendra
muktidaayaka mukunda muraare
Shripate Shamaya duckhamaShesham.(2)
Oh, the most benevolent and auspicious Lord of the universe, the all-pervasive Being, the sole Controller of the world, the endearing child of Nandagopa, the Lord who took the descent of Man-lion form, the greatest Nara (i.e., Shriraama), the supreme Being who confers mukti, Mukunda, the destroyer of Mura, Lord Shripati, may You ward off all our sufferings and pains.
रामचन्द्र रघुनायक देव दीननाथ दुरितक्षयकारिन् ।
यादवेद्र यदुभूषण यज्ञ श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ ३॥
raamacandra raghunaayaka deva
dinanaatha duritakshayakaarin
yaadavendra yadubhooshana yajòa
Shripate Shamaya duckhamaShesham.(3)
Oh Raamacandra, Scion of Raghu's family, the Almighty, the one God approached by all the poor and destitute, the Lord who eradicates sins, the supreme Monarch and beautiful adornment of Yadu's race, the embodiment of yajòa, Lord Shripati, may You ward off all our sufferings and pains.
देवकीतनय दुःखदवाग्ने राधिकारमण रम्यसुमूर्ते ।
दुःखमोचन दयार्णवनाथ श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ ४॥
devakitanaya duckhadavaagne
raadhikaa-ramana ramya-sumoorte
duckhamocana dayaarnava naatha
Shripate Shamaya duckhamaShesham.(4)
Oh, the son of Devaki, the Forest-fire that devours (all our) miseries, the endearing Lord of Goddess Raadhaa, the God of enchanting and bewitching form, the destroyer of agonies, the Ocean of mercy, the Overlord, Shripati, may You ward off all our sufferings and pains.
गोपिकावदनचन्द्रचकोर नित्य निर्गुण निरञ्जन जिष्णो ।
पूर्णरूप जय शङ्कर सर्व श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ ५॥
nitya nirguna niraòjana jishno
poornaroopa jaya Shankara sarva
Shripate Shamaya duckhamaShesham.(5)
Oh, Lord, Shripati, the eternal Being, the One above all limiting characteristics, the Lord of Kaarmic bondage, the victorious Sovereign, the imperishable and undiminishing Lord, the embodiment of Victory, the Well-wisher of all, the all-supporting and all-cognising Lord, Oh Cakora-bird (in relation) to moon-faces of Gopikaas, may You ward off all our sufferings and pains.
गोकुलेश गिरिधारण धीर यामुनाच्छतटखेलनवीर ।
नारदादिमुनिवन्दितपाद श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ ६॥
gokuleSha giridhaarana dhira
yaamunaaccha-tata-khelana vira
Shripate Shamaya duckhamaShesham(6)
Oh, the one Lord of Gokula, the One who lifted up the Govardhana hill, the courageous Lord, the valorous warrior who sported on the pure banks of the river Yamunaa, the Lord Shripati whose feet are adored by great sages like Naarada, may You ward off all our sufferings and pains.
द्वारकाधिप दुरन्तगुणाब्धे प्राणनाथ परिपूर्ण भवारे ।
ज्ञानगम्य गुणसागर ब्रह्मन् श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ ७॥
dvaarakaadhipa durantagunaabdhe
praananaatha paripoorna bhavaare
jònagamya gunasaagara brahman
Shripate Shamaya duckhamaShesham.(7)
Oh, the Emperor of Dvarakaa, the repository of all merits in abundance like the unfathomable ocean, the sole Lord of all selfs the only One who is ever complete and full, the Destroyer of samsaara, the Lord who is attainable only through jòaana (supreme wisdom), the ocean of virtues, the supreme Brahman, Lord Shripati, may You ward off all our sufferings and pains.
दुष्टनिर्दलन देव दयालो पद्मनाभ धरणीधरधारिन् ।
रावणान्तक रमेश मुरारे श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ ८॥
dushtanirdalana deva dayaalo
padmanaabha dharanidhara dharmin
raavanaataka rameSha muraare
Shripate Shamaya duckhamaShesham(8)
Oh, Lord Shripati, the Vanquisher of the wicked, the supreme Being of great splendour, the merciful Lord, the One from whose Lotus-navel (sprang up Brahmaa), the Lord who lifted the earth (through his avataara as the great Boar), the embodiment of Dharma, the slayer of Raavana, Lord of Goddess Ramaa, the foe of Mura, may You ward off all our sufferings and pains.
अच्युताष्टकमिदं रमणीयं निर्मितं भवभयं विनिहन्तुम् ।
यः पठेद्विषयवृत्तिनिवृत्तिर्जन्मदुःखमखिलं स जहाति ॥ ९॥
acyutaashtakasmidam ramaniyam
nirmitam-bhavabhayam vinihantum
yac pathed-vishaya-vrittinivrittir-
janmaduckhamakhilam sa jahaati(9)
This beautiful Acyutaashtaka is composed for the removal of the fear of samsaara. Whoever reads this hymn, with ( a mind) detached from worldly objects, will relieve himself from all the afflictions of birth (and death).
इति श्रीशङ्करभगवत्पादकृतम् अच्युताष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् ।