

Essence Of
Vishnu Purana


7    Jagat Vyavastha (Planning of Universe) and Vishnu Vibhuti (All- Pervasiveness) (Vishnu Maha Stuti included)

Maharshi Parashara recalled the Legend of Dhruva and referred to King Vena  in that  long lineage who obstructed to Yagnas, Havans, Daanas and all such deeds of virtue as of the times of Vedas; he also resorted to Denunciation of Vishnu and declared that he was Vishnu himself and sported Vishnu Chakra  himself. Maharshisand Tapasvis overpowered the King oneday and since he had no heir-apparent churned his hands and there appeared a youth with dhanush and arrows whom Maharshis called Pruthuand coronated him as the new King. Already fed up with the sinful activities of King, Bhu Devi ran away but Prithu chased and controlled her as she assumed the Form of a Cow and forced her to yield milk to all the Beings including Devas and all the others in Srishti as per one’s own group wishes like Devas who opted for Amrita, Munis wished for more Tapasya, Daitya-Daanava-Raakshsas asked  for blood; Parvatas desired for Vanaspatis, Gandharvas opted for tuneful singing, Yakshas for Maya Vidya, serpents for poison, Rishis desired for Yagnas and so on; each species arranged their own containers into which to fill up milks of their own desires and even arranged their own cowmen to milch along their respectivecalves too. This illustrious Prithu Chakravarti of Trilokas who thus facilitated the fulfillmemt of their own desires of the Species and Clans from the Kama Dhenu also invented the art of farming to cultivate food grains, pulses and many other types of farm-yields since human beings were unaware of grains, pulses,oils, and vegetables in the previous times as thy were content with fruits, herbs,  milk and Kanda-mulaas or under ground vegetables. Bhu Devi thus gained the epithet of Prithvi eversince!

It was in that context of that lineage of Kings when Pruthu was being coronated, Brahma Deva entrusted duties and responsibilities as under: Chandra was in charge of Nakshatras, Grahas, Brahmanas, Vanaspatis / Auoshadhis, and Yagnas; Kubera for Kings; Varuna for any thing concerning water; Vishnu as in charge of Adityas; Agni as in charge of Vasu Ganas, Daksha for Prajapatis, Indra responsible for Marudganaas; Prahlada as responsible for Daitya-Danavas; Yama Dharma Raja in charge of Pitruganaas; Iravata in charge of Elephants; Garuda for all Pakhshis; Indra as the Over Lord of all Devas; Ucchaishwara born alongwith Amrita at the time of Churning of Samudra; Vrishabha as in charge of Cows; Simha /Lion as the Chief of all Vanya Pashus or Forest animals; Sesha Naga as in charge of Nagas; Himalayas for Sthavaraas; KapilaDeva as the one responsible for Munis; Mrigaas with damshtras and nails under the charge of Vyaghras  or Tigers and so on. Brahma also appointed Dikpalakas : the  Purva Disha or East was Vairaja Prajapati and his son King Sudhanva; Dakshina Disha: Kardama Prajapati andhis Son Shankhapada; Paschima Disha: Ever Available Ketumaan; and  in Uttara Disha: Parjanya Prajapati and his son King Atidurdarsha. All these are stated to be  in power tilldate.

Vishnu Vibhutis: While all the above are of Vishnu Swarupas only, Janardana also assumes the Chatur Vibhaagas of Srishti-Sthiti and Laya:  the first Amsha is of Brahma, the second one of Prajapatis like Marichi; the third is of Kaala and the final one is of Pranis; indeed creation and cremationof Manavaas occurs almost every minute! Maharshi Parashara thus addressed Sage Maitreya:

Yetey sarvey pravartasya shitow Vishnormahaatmanah,

Vibhuti Bhutaa Raajaaney ye chanye Munisattama/

Ye bhavishyanti  ye Bhutaah Bhuteswaraa Dwijaa,

Teysarvey Sarva Bhutasya Vishno ramshaa Dwijotthamaa

(Hey Munisattama! These and various Administrators and Kings engaged in the Upkeep of their respective Territories are all Vishnu Vibhutis. Those Kings in the past and those who in future would be too of Vishnu Rupas! All the Devatas, Daityas, Danavas; all thePashus, Pakshis, Manavaas, Sarpaas, Nagas; and all the Vrikshas, Parvataas, Grahaas and so on are Narayana Vibhutis are Vishnu Rupas. The Past-Present-Futureare Vishnu Rupas.Thus

Yeva meshaa Jagatsrushtaa Jagatpaadaa tathaa Jagat,

Jagatbhakshayitaa Devaha Samastasya Janaardanah/

Srishtistityanta kaaleshu Tridhaivam sampravartatey,

Gunapravruthya paramam padam Samastasya Janaardanah/

Taccha Jnaanamayam vyaapi swasamvedya manoupamam,

Chathus prakaaram tadapi Swarupam Paramatmanah./

( As such,Janardana creates, maitains and finally destroys, he himself the Unique Jagat Swarupa; Bhagavan Vishnu is indeed responsible for Jagadutpatti, Sthiti, and Antaby assuming Tri-Gunas of Satwa-Rajo-Taamasa but basically is Nirguna or Featureless! Paramatmaa’s Swarupa is of four kinds viz. Jnaanamaya (Embodiment of Knowledge), Vyapaka (All- Pervading), Swasamvedya or Swayam Prakaasha (Self-Illuminated) and Anupama (Unparalelled).

 Then Sage Maitreya desired to know from Maharshi Parashara about an in-depth analysis of the ‘Chatush -prakaara’characteristics of Bhagavan; the reply was: Just as Bhagavan is the raison d’tre or the cause of the material world, so is he the Sadhana or the ‘means’ too; the ‘Siddhi’ is the accomplishment; and ‘Sadhya’ is called a possibility! In other words, the Yogis aiming at Mukti could follow the ‘Sadhanaas’  like the Ashtaanga Yoga or the Eight-Limbed Yoga viz. 1)Yama (Yogik Principles), 2) Niyama (Personal discipline), 3) Asana (Yoga Posture), 4) Pranayama(Control of Breathing) 5) Pratyahaara (withdrawal of senses) 6) Dharana (Concentration of an object)7) Dhyana (Meditation) and 8) Samadhi (Mukti). Indeed, thus Parabrahma is Sadhya! This kind of Sadhana by means of Yoga is called  Swaadhana -alambana Jnaana. There is another type of Jnaana viz. Aalambana Vijnaana which discards Samsara and seeks Paramatma by complete withdrawal and renunciation. Yet another type is Advaita Jnaana in which the Self seeks merger into the Totality, that is Aham Brahmaasmi or I am Brahma meaning thereby that the Inner Consience or Jeevatma is the same as Paramatma. The aim of the three types of Jnaana target the Supreme Experience of Atma Swarupa Parabrahma that is :

Nirvyaapaara manaakhyeyam Vyaaptimaatra manupa –mam,

Atmasambodha vishayam sattaamaatramalakshanam/

Prashaantamabhayam Shuddham Durvibhaavyamasamshrayam,

V ishnorjnaana mayassyoktamk tadjnaanam Brahma samjnitam/

[The Jnaana Swarupa Bhagavan Vishnu is Nir-vyaapaaram or devoid of activities of Samsara; Anirvachaneeyam or Undefinable; Vyaptamaatram (Omnipresent), Anupama or Unparalelled), Atmabodha Swarupa (Self-Realising), Alakshana (Featureless), Shanta(Ever Tranquil), Abhaya (Fearless and Protective), Shuddha (High Mark of Purity and Transclucent), Bhaavaateetam  or beyond  comprehension; Ashraya heenam or the Holdless since he is the Supreme Holder Himself; and indeed that is Brahma Jnaana]!

Evam prakaaramamalam Nityam Vyapakamakshayam,

Samasta heryarahitam Visdhnavaakhayam Paramam padam/

Tad Brahma Paramam Yogi yato naavaratey punah

Shriyatya punyoparamey kheenakleshoti nirmalah/

Dwey Rupey Brahmaanastasya  Murtam chaa murtamevacha,

Ksaraakshara swarupo tey Sarvabhuteshthavasthitey/

Aksharam Tapp;aram Brahma Ksharam Sarvamidam Jagat,

Ekadeshasthitasyaagneyerjyotsnaa visteerani tathaa,

Parasyabrahmaanah Shaktistatheymadakhilam Jagat/

(In this way Vishnu Paramapada is percievable which is Nirmala-Nitya- Vyapaka-Akshaya-and Heya Guna varjita; this Unique Form devoid  of Paapa- Punya and Samsara Kleshaas is such that would have no return as the Person concerned gets absorbed into Para Brahma! That Brahma has two manifestations of Murta and Amurta! And Akshara is the Everlasing Para Brahma and Kshara is the Transcient Universe. Brahma Shakti is akin to the all powerful Agni which spreads fast its heat and radiance and its impact is also according to the distance or closeness that the Practitioner Yogi concerned.

Vishnu Maha Stuti: Muni Maitreya requested Maharshi Parashara to portrayBhagavan Vishnu in his Complete Form and the Maharshi quoted Vasiththa Maha Muni as  follows:

Namaskrutyaaprameyaaya Vishnavey Prabha Vishnavey,

Kathayaami yathaakhyatam Visishthena Mamaa bhavat/

Aatmaanamasya Jagato Nirlepamagunaamalam,

Bibharti Kaustubhamani Swarupam, Bhagavaan Harih/

Shri Vatsasamshaana dharamanantena samaashritam,

Pradhaanam Buddhirapyaastey Gada Rupena Madhavey/

Bhutaadimindri-yaadimcha Dwidhaahankaara meeshwarah,

Bibharti shankha rupena shaaranga rupena cha sthitam/

Chalatswa rupamayantam javeynaantaritaanilam,

Chakraswarupam cha Mano dhaattey Vishnukarey sthitam/

Pancharupaatu yaa Maalaa Vyajayanti  Gadaabhrutah,

Saa bhuta hetu sanjaata Bhutamaalaa cha vai Dwijah/

Yaanindrayanya seshaani Buddhi karmaatmakaani vai,

Shararupaanyasheshaani taani Dhattey Janaardanah/

Bibharti Yacchaasiratnamachyutotyanta nirmalam,

Vidyaamayam tu tadjnaanamavidyaakosha samsthitam/

Ithyam Pumaampradhaanam cha buddhdyahankaarameva cha,

Bhutaani cha Hrisheerkesho Manah sarvendriyaanicha,

Vidyaavidye cha Maitreya Sarvametat samaashritam/

Astrbhushanaa samsthaana Swarupam Rupa varjitah,

Bibharti Maayaaruposou Shriyasey Praaninaam Harih/

Savikaaram Pradhaanam cha Pumaamsamakhilam Jagat,

Bibhrarti Pundareekaaksha Devam Parameshwarah/

Yaa Vidyaa yaa tathaavidyaa yatsadyacchaasadavyayam,

Tatsarvam Sarva bhutesho Maitreya Madhusudaney/

Kalaa kaashtaa nimeshaadidinartwayana haayanaih,

Kaala Swarupo Bhagavanpaapo Harivyayaha/

Bhurlokotha Bhuvarlokah Swarloko Munisattama,

Maharjana -stapah Satyam SaptaLokaa imey Vibhuh/

Lokaatma  Murtih sarveshaam Purveshaamapi Purvajah,

Aadhaarah Sarva Vidyaanaam Swayameva Harihsthitah/

Deva Maanusha pashwaadi Swarupairbahubhih sthitah,

Tatah Sarveswaronanto Bhutamurtiramurtimaan/

Ruchi yajuumshi Saamaani tathaavaatharvnaani vai,

Itihaasopavedaaschavedanteshu  tathoktayah/

Vedaangaani Samastaani Manvaadigaditaani cha,

Shaastraanyaseshaakhyaa- naanyanuvaakaascha ye kwachit/

Kaavyaalaapaascha ye kechidgeetakaanyakhilaani cha,

Shabdamurtidharasyaitadwipurvishnor mahaatmanah/

Yaani Murthaanyamurtaani Yaanyantraayantra vaa kwachit,

Santi vai Vastujaataani taani Sarvaani tadupuh/

Aham Harih Sarvamidam Janaardano naanyattatahb kaarana karya jaatam,

Idrungmano yasyana tasya bhuyo Bhavodbhavaa Dwandwagadaa bhavanti/

(Hey Muney! I saluteJagat palaka, and Aprameya Vishnu and narrate the samewhich Maha Muni Vasishtha described earlier: Srihari Bhagavan who is Nirlepa- Nirguna-Nirmala and Shuddha Kshetrajna Swarupa wears Kaustubhamani; Shri Ananta sought the company of Vishnu as Srivatsa Rupa and Buddhi adorned Madhava in the form of Gadaa; Vishnu is also ornamented by Shankha which is of Tamasa Swarupa and Shaaranga Dhanush of Raajasa Ahamkaara; the Chakra which out smarts the speed of Vayu  is basically of Satvika Swarupa and adorns the lotus like smooth hands of Vishnu. Bhagavan also wears a Pancha Rupa Vijayanti Maalaa made of Mukta-Manikya-Marakata-Indraneela and Heeraas, representing Pancha Tanmatraas and Pancha Bhutaas. Bhagavan also keeps ‘baanaas’ or arrows which are the embodiments of Jnaana and Karma! Further Vishnu wears a sharp Khadga or sword which pierces throughAvidya and brightens Vidyaamaya Jnaana.Muni Maitreya! In this manner, all kinds of features like Purusha, Pradhana, Buddhi, Ahamkara, Pancha Bhuta, Manas, Indriyas, Vidya and Avidya are all surrouned by Vishnu. Srihari who has basically no Form  but in a Maya Swarupa keeps Astras and Ornaments to help and encourage various Praanis. This is how Parameshwara seeks to facilitate the deeds and thoughts of various Beings with the help of Vidya-Avidya, Sat-Asat, and such characteristics. Vishnu is also present as Kaala Swarupa in the form of Kala-Kaashtha- Nimesha- Dina- Ritu- Ayana-and Varsha! Bhagavan is spread all over the Bhurloka- Bhuvarloka- Swarloka-and Maha-Jana- Tapa-and Satyalokas! He is the Origin of Origin-Purvaja toPurvajas; Sarva Vidyaa Swarupa; Swayam Lokamaa Swarupa; Niraakaaa- Sarveswara- Ananta- Sarva Buta Swarupa inclusiveof Deva-Maanava-Pashu- Pakshi and so on; He is Ruk-Yajur- Sama-Atharva Veda Swarupa; Itihasa-Upavedaas like Ayurveda; Vedanta Vaakya; Vedaanga; Manvaadi krita Dharma Shastra; Purana-Aakhyaana- Anuvaaka (Kalpa Sutra)-Kavya  Charha- Sarva Shabda Murti Dhaari-and so on. Whichever Murta-Amurta Padaardhaas exist are of Vishnu’s Mighty Physique! He assures: I am the totality of the Universe and there is neither a Karana- Karya-Kaarana beyond me! A person who believes in this simple Truth would have conquered Dwandwa Rupaas and attains me!)

Having rendered the Vishnu Maha Stuti as above, Maharshi Parashara assured Maitreya Muni that who so ever reads or listens to it would be freed from sins. That person would be eligible for the Punya that daily Snaanaas and worship in Pushkata Kshetra could fetch by merely hearing the Stotra. This unique piece of homage to Maha Purusha Janardana describing the Creation of Deva-Rishi-Gandharva-Pitru-Yaksha and others is adequate to bestow the blessings of Narayana.

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