

Essence Of
Vishnu Purana


4    Samudra Mathana, Emergence of Lakshmi and Amrita ( Vishnu and Lakshmi Stutis)

As Durvasa Muni gifted a fragrant garland to Indra who disrespected  and gave it away to Iravata elephant which trampled it, the Muni went wildand cursed him that Rajya Lakshmi would desert Tribhuvanas and Indra’s magnificance would disappear. Since Indra’s grandeur was lost Daitya-Danavas occupied his throne and Devas bacame fugitives and approached Brahma Deva. Brahma in turn reached Ksheera Saagara along with Indra and Devaas and extolled Bhagavan Narayana as follows:

Namaami Sarvam Sarveshamanantamajamavyayam,

Lokadhaama Dharaadhaaramaprakaasha mabhedinam/


Samastaanaam Garishtham cha Bhuraadeenaam Gareeyasaam/

Yatra Sarvam yatah Sarvamutpannam Matpurah saram,

Sarva Bhutascha yo Devah paraanaamapi yah Parah/

Parah Paramaatmaat Purushaat Paramaatma Swarupa dhruk,

Yogibhischintaye yo sowMuktihetor Mumukshibhih/

Satvaadayo na Santeesho yatra cha Prtaakrutaa ganaah,

Sa Shuddhaha Sarva Shudhyebhyaha Pumaanaadyah praseedatu/

Proachatey Parameshohi yah shuddhopyapuchaaratah,

Praseedatu sa no Vishnuraatmaa yah Sarva dehinaam/

Yah Kaaranamcha Kaaryam cha Karanasyaapi kaaranam,

Karyasyaapi cha yah Kaaryam praseedatu sa no Harih/

Karya Kaaryasya yatkaaryam tat Kaaryasyaapi yah Swayam,

Tat Kaarya Kaarya Bhuto Yastatascha pranataah sma tam/

Karanam Kaaranasyaapi tasya Kaaranakaaranam,

Tat Kaaranamnaam hetum tam pranataah sma Pareshwaram/

Bhoktaaram Bhogya bhutam cha Srashtaaram Srujyamevacha,

Kaarya kartu Swarupam tam pranataah sma param padam/

Vishuddha bodhavannityam ajam akshayamavyayam,

Avyaktamavikaaram yattadvishnoh paramam padam/

Na sthulamcha sukshmam yatra Viseshanagocharam,

Tatpadam Paramam Vishnoh pranamaam sadaamalam/

Yasyayutaam yutaam shaamsho Vishwashaktiriyam shtitaa,

Parabrahma Swarupam yat pranamaamstamavyayam/

Yadyoginaha Sadodyhuktaah Punya Papaapa/

kshayekshayam, Pashyanti Pranavo chintyam Tad- Vishnoh paramam padam/

Yatra Devaa na Munayo na chaaham na cha Shankarah,

Jaananti Parameshasya tad Vishnoh Paramam Padam/

Shaktayo yasya Devasya Brahma Vishnu Shivbaatmikaah,

Bhavantya Bhuta Purvasyha tad Vishnoh Paramam Padam/

Sarvesha sarva Bhutaatman Sarva Sarvaashrayaachyuta,

Praseeda Vishno Bhaktaanaam Vraja no drushtigocharam/

(My Salutations to you Narayana! You are an atom among the minutest of atoms and the heaviest by far the heavier than Earth;You are the Nikhilaloka Vishraama, Prithwi’s Adhaara Swarupa, Aprakaashya, Amogha, Sarva Rupa, Sarveshwara, Ananta, Ajaya, and Avyaya. Inclusive of me Brahma the totality of Universal Existence  is far beyond of our comprehension, even as you exist in it, created by you, preserved by you, and is Sarva Deva maya, SarvaBhutamaya, Sarva Mokshagami Munijanamaya, Paratma Swarupa, Adi Purusha! Do kindly be merciful! Be kind to us Shuddha Swarupa Shakti and Kala Swarupa ranging from Kalaa-Kaashtha-Muhurtaas to Maha Yugaas! Be pleased Shudda Swarupa Parameshwara or Parama/Maha Lakshmi Pati;  be compassionate to us as you are the Kaarana, Karyarupa, Karanaa’s Kaarana, and Karya’s Karya. I bend my knees to you for benevolence as you are the Karya or Maha Tatwa, Karya as Ahamkara, Karya as Tanmatra panchaka, Karya as Brahmanda, Karya as Brahma-Dakshaadi Karyabhuta! You are the Jagat Karana (Brahmaadis), Brahmanda Karana, Bhuta Panchaka Karana, PanchaTanmatra Karana, Mula Prakruti Hetu, Bhokta and Bhogya, Srashtaa and Srujya, Karta and Karya Rupa, and Parama and Paramapada, Vishuddha Bodha Swarupa, Nitya, Ajanma, Akshaya, Avyaya, Avyakta and Avikari, my prostrations to you. My reverential greetings to you who is neither Sthula (Gross) nor Sukshma (Minute), Nirmala-Nitya, and Paramapada!Indeed Your Ayutaamsha or of Ten thousandth Amsha is capable of Vishwa Rachana! Indeed the NityaYukta Yogi ganaas seek to realise even hazy glimpses of the vision of your ‘Paada Padmaas’ through their extended lives due to their Tapasyas! Indeed, Devaganaas, Maharshiganaas, Shankara and myself could never guage the magnitude and magnificenceof Your Reality! Sarveshwara, Sarva Bhutatma, Sarva Rupa, Sarvaadhaara, Achyuta, Maha Vishno do kindly respond to our supplications!)

To supplement the prayers of Brahma Deva, others like Brihaspati, Indra and Devaganaas further prayed to Bhagavan Vishnu along with Shankara and Rudras, Dwadasha Adityas, Ashvani Kumaras, Ashta Vasus, Marud Ganas, Sadhya Ganaas and  so on  as a final refuge point; and Bhagavaan was satisfied with the sincerity of their Stutis. He replied that they should have to undergo some hard work and sacrifice which only could help accomplish their ends. He required Devas to convince Daityas and Danavas to jointly perform Kshirasagara Mathana or churning of the Ocean of Milk to mataerialise Amrita (Nectar) besides Auoshadhis or herbs and medicines and so on with Mandharaachala  as the huge stick, Vaasuki Naga as the string and any other asistance required could be prvided by himself; Daitya-Danavas would readily agree to the proposition, he assured. Vishnu further assured Devatas that the Amrita to be finally emerged would be meant for them alone. The Daitya-Danavas having been convinced keeping in view to the ‘Catch’of Amrita, the operation commenced in Sharat Ritu when the Sky was clear and at an Auspicious Muhurta. Danava-Daityas out of self-pride opted for the huge Vaasuki whose mouth gave out poisonous fumes and many of them perished but Devas opted for the tail of the Vasuki. Vishnu asumed Kurmaavataara to provide stability to the process of churning by withstanding the heaviness of Mandhara Mountain and the churning speed. The first round of churning yielded Kamadhenu which opted for Siddhas; then emerged Kalpa Vriksha which was claimed by Devatas; Daanava-Daityas let it go to Devatas as they aimed at Amrita and nothing else!Then followed Apsaraas who were on their own but to serve Swarga loka; Chandrama  was claimed by Mahadeva to adorn his head; Maha Lakshmi emerged as Muni Ganaas welcomed her by reciting ‘Shri Suktam’ of 

Hiranya varnaam Harinim Suvarna Rajatasrajaam

Chandraam Hiranmayim Lakshmim Jaatavedo mavaavaha

and she readily ornameted Vishnu Deva’s chest; [Incidentally, there was no mention in Vishnu Purana of the Creation of ‘Haalaahala’ or the huge sheet of poisonous flames across the sky which was retained in the throat of Maha Deva and hence got the epithet of Nilagreeva] Then finally emerged Dhanvantari along with his ‘Kamandalu’the Akshaya Patra full of Amrita and Daitya-Danavas forcibly dragged the kamandalu from Dhanvantari. Vishnu Bhagavan assumed the dazzling Mohini Swarupa and spread over a thick screen of Maya over the Danava- Daityas and disrtibuted Nectar among Devas, who were fully contented with the Amrita and Daanavas fled back to Pataala while Indra and the Devas got reinstated to their lost glory.

Lakshmi Stuti : A highly satisfied Indra most humbly welcomed  Devi Lakshmi as Rajya Lakshmi by commending her as follows:

Namasye Sarva lokaanaam Jananimabjasambhavaam,

vibhushanamShriyamunnidra padmaakshim Vishnu Vakshasthala -sthitaam/

Padmaalayaam Padmakaraam Padma patranibhekshanaam,

Vandey Padma -mukheem Devim Padmanaabha priyaamaham/

Twam siddhitwam Swadhaa Swaahaa twam Lokapaavani,

Sandhyaa raatrih Prabhaa Bhutirmedhaa shraddha Sarasvati/

Yajna Vidyaa Mahaa Vidya Guhya Vidyaa cha Shobhaney,

Atma Vidyaa cha Devi twam Vimukti phala daayini/

Aanveekshiki Trayivaartaa Danda neetistwameva cha,

Sowmyaasowmyair- jagadrupaistavaithaddevi puritam/

Kaa twanyaa twaamrutey Devi Sarva Yajnamayam vapuh,

Adhyaastey Deva Devasya Yogichintyam Gadaabhrutah/

Twayaa Devi Parityaktam Sakalam Bhuvana trayam,

Vinashta praayamabhavantwaye daaneem Samedhitam/

Daaraah Putraastathaagaara suhruddhaanya dhanaadikam,

Bhavatyetan mahaabhaago nityam twadeekshanaatrunaam/

Shareeraarogya maishwarya maripakshakshayah sukham,

Devi twadrushti drushtaanaam Purushaanaam na durlabham/

Twam Maataa sarvalokaanaam Deva Devo Harih Pitaa,

Twayyaidvishnunaa chaamba Jagadvyaaptam Charaacharam/  

Maa na kosham tathaa goshtham naa gruham maa paricchadam,

Maa shariram  kalatram cha thyajethaa Sarva paavani/

Mamaa putraanmaa suhrudvarga maa pashunmaa vibhushanam,

Twajethaa mama Devasya Vishnurvakshah sthalaalaey/

Statvena Satya shouchaabhyaam tathaa sheelaadi -bhirgunaih,

Tyajjantey tey Naraah Sadyah Santyakttaa  ye twayamaley/

Twayaavilokitaah Sadyah Sheelaadvair -akhilairgunaih

kulaishwaryaischayujjyantey Purushaa Nirgumaa api/

Sa Slaaghyah sa gunee dhanyah sa kuleenah sa Buddhimaan,

Sa Shurah sa cha Vikranto yastwayaa Devi veekshitah/

Sadyo vaigunyamaayanti Sheelaaghah Sakalaa gunaah,

Paraangmukhi Jagaddhaatri yasya twam Vishnu vallabhey/

Na tey varnaantu shaktaa Gunaajihvaapi Vedhaah,

Praseeda Devi Padmaakshi Maasmaamstyaa-kshim kadaachana/

(My salutations to you Jagajjanani! You possess a magnetic face with charming eyes like of a lotus adorning the magnificent chest of Vishnu; you reside on a lotus, lotus alone is ornamented in  your soft hands, lotus leaves are likened to your eyes, and lotus stem on your husband’s navel thus fond of lotus again! You are Siddhi, Swadha, Swaaha, Sudha, Sandhya, Ratri / night, Prabha, Vibhuti, Medha, and Sarasvati. You are the Yajna Vidya ot the Science of Karma- Kaanda, Maha Vidya or Upasana, Guhya Vidya or Mahendra jaalor mesmerism,  Atma Vidya or route to Mukti,Tarka Vidya or the Scientific Art of Logic, Vedatrayi or the Expert in Three Vedas, Varta of Business and  Danda niti or the exponent of Politics!You are all over the Universe to many with tensions due to lack of opportunities and to a select few  withall facilities. Is there a person who among all  the Tri Lokas could afford to ignore youand make good in their lives! It is only due to your kind vision  that  a person is blessed with all fulfillments including women, progeny, home, money, good food and happiness. It is only due to your revelation that any body is provided with physical health, prosperity, destruction of enemies, and contentment.You are the Loka Maata or the Mother and Bhagavan Vishnu is Loka Pita or the Father over whom the world is spread all over and dependent. May this Samsara be profuse with our properties, Pashu shaalaas, homes, articles of enjoyment, and over all well being. Please always never ever leave us from our families, well wishers, ornaments, joys and good health.All the human beings bereft of you lose our mental strength, body energy, truthfulness, cleanliness  and all other laudable qualities of life. Those who secure your kindness instantly become Buddhimaan, Shaktimaan, Sura veeraas and Dhanavaans; the moment your absence is felt, life gets unworthy, eventless and purposeless. My Mother, never leave me and be ever with me!)

Thus Devi Lakshmi who was the daughter of Bhrigu and Khyati disappeared from Swarga and surfaced again after Samudra Mathana. As and when Vishnu Bhaagavan took to human forms, so did Devi Lakshmi as Prithvi along with Parashu Rama, Devi Sita along with Shri Rama, Devi Rukmini along with Shri Krishna!

Yaschhetchhrunuyaajjanma Lakshmyaa yaschja pathennarah,

Shriyo na vicchutistasyaGruhey yaavatkulatramam/

Pathyateyyeshu chaiveyam Shristutirmuney,

Alakshmiih Kalahaadhaara nateyshthaastey kadaachana/

(Hey Muney! Those homes in which Lakshmi Stotras are not recited  daily become the victims of arguments, quarrels, and poverty; contrarily, Lakshmi Stotraas are heard, read out and recited silently become the abodes of opulence, delight and propitiousness.)

Prev:Concept of Time, Brahma Srishti and Lakshmi-Vishnu’s ‘Avinaabhavata’ (Affinity)

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