

Essence Of
Vishnu Purana


1    Invocation

Avikaaraaya shuddhhaaya Nityaya Paramatmaney,

Sadaika Rupa Rupaaya Vishnaney Sarva Jishnavey/

Namo Hiranyagarbhaaya Haraye Shankaraayacha,

Vaasudevaaya Taaraaya Sargasthinyanta kaariney/

Ekaaneka Swarupaaya Sthula Sukshmaatmaney Namah,

Avyakta Vyakta Swarupaaya Vishnavey Muktihetavey/

Sargasthiti vinaashaanam Jagato yo Jagan-mayah,

Mulabhuto Namastasmai Vishnavey Paramatmaney/


Pranamya Sarvabhutaastha- machyutam Purushottamam/

Jnaanaswarupamatyantanirmalam Paramaarthatah,

Tamevaarthaswarupena bhraanti darshanah sthitam/

Vishnum Graasishnum Viswasya Sthitou Sargey tathaa Prabhum,

Pranamya Jagataameesha majamakshayamavyayam/

(My salutations to Bhagavan Vaasudeva who was responsible for Brahma-Vishnu-and Shankara to create-preserve and terminate as also support all the Beings to swim across the ‘Samsara Sagara’; he is also the Vikara Rahita or Featureless, Shuddha or Transparently Pure, Avinaashi or Indistructible, Paramatma or the Unique -Souled, the Singular Super-Entity, Sarva Vijayi or the Ever- Victorius Bhagavan;  He is always of Singular Form yet present in Infinite Forms; he is of the Minutest yet the GrossestVirat Swarupa; Vyakta or Tangible and Avyakta or Imperceptible; and  the Kaarana or the Supreme Cause and the Kaarya / the Causation or Action; Mukti Swarupa or the Facilitator of Salvation; Vishwa Rupa; Srishti-Sthiti-Samhaar Kaaraka; Vishnu; Sarvaadhara; Sarva Vyapi; Sukshmaati Sukshma, Akshaya; Achyuta; Avyaya; Purushottama, Jnaana Swarupaand Jagedeshvara).

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