27 ‘Matsya Purana Phalashruti’ | |
Etat pavitra maayushyametat kirti vivarthanam, Etat pavitram kalyanam Maha paapa haram Shubham/ Asmaat Puraanaat sukritam naraanaam, Tirthaavali namamavaga –ahanaanaam/ Samastadharmaacharanod bhavaanaam, Sadaivalaabhascha mahaa phalaanam/ Etat Puraanam Paramam Sarva dohaavidhaatakam, Matsya rupena harinaa katitham Manavernavey/ (This Matsya Purana is sacred, life-extending, status-providing, sanctifying, propitious and sin-demolishing. It yields the fruits of ‘Punya’, the benefit of many ‘Tirtha Snaanaas’ and of virtuous life. This exalted Purana is a purifier of all blemishes. It is likened to Narayana at Pralaya and Manu who assisted the Matsya Deva. Asmaat Puranaadapi paadamekam pathet tu yah sopi vimukta paapah/ (Whoever reads even half of a Shloka would be rid of all sins and imperfections). If one reads or hears through this confidential and ‘Punyaprada’ Purana fully, the person concerned would be blessed by Maha Deva with the boon of performing Ashwamedha Yagna as also the ‘Avabhruta Snaana’. Shivam Vishnum Samarbhyarcha Brahmaanam Sadivaakaram, Shlokam Shlokaardha paadam vaa Shraddhayaa yah shrunotivaa, Shraavayed vaapi Dharmagnasthala phalam shurunt Dwijaah/ Braahmano labhatey vidyaam Kshatriyo labhatey maheem, Vaishyo dhanamavaapnoti sukham Shudtastu vindita/ Ayushmaan Putravaamschaiva Lakshmivaan papavarjitah, Shrutwaa Puraanamakhilam Shatrubhis –cha paraajitah/ (When a person reads or listens one-or half a stanza of the Purana sincerely after worshipping Shiva or Vishnu, Brahma or Surya, he or she would secure vidya to a Brahmana, Kingship to a Kshatriya, opulence to a Vaishya and pleasures to a Shudra. If the Purana is read or heard fully would be ‘Paapa rahit’, ‘Putravaan’ and ‘Lakshmivaan’ whom no evil/enemy could over-power!). Whoever disturbs, or leaves halfway, eats ‘tambul’, sits on a higher seat than that of a ‘Purana Vakta’, sits without greeting the Vakta, sleeps during the proceedings or is inebriated would be punished with loss of wealth, loss of wife/ progeny; and rebirth as a dog, as a crow, as a tree, an Ajagar snake, respectively. Interruption without justification or passing careless and casual remarks or criticism of the ‘Vakta’ would surely open up gates of hell. But sincerity, devotion and faith would assure ‘Iha sukham’ and ‘Para Moksham’! Shradhha Bhakti Samaayukta Naanya karyeshu laalasaah, Vaagyataah Shuchayovyagraah shrotaarah Punyabhaaginah/ (Those who possess dedication and commitment devoid of mean attractions pay peaceful attention to this Sacred Purana observing silence are the active partners of propitiousness and recipients of fruits of fulfillment). | |
Prev:‘Gotra Pravara Nirnaya’ (Determination of Gothras /Vamshas and ancestry) |