

Essence Of
Kurma Purana


22    Kurma Purana Phala Shruti and Kurma Deva Stuti by Maharshis

Etat Puranam Paramam Bhashitam Kurmarupinaa,

Sakshaat Devaadi Devena Vishnunaa Vishwa yoninaa/

Yah pathet satatam Martyo niyamena samaahitah,

Sarva paapa vinirmukto Brahma lokey mahiyatey/

( Kurma Purana is stated to have been recited by the Kurma Rupa dhari Adideva Vishnu himself. Those who read the Purana with concentration and sincerity would have their Paapaas demolished and attain Brahma Loka.)

 If one could formally write down the Purana and gift it to a Vedajna Brahmana during the Vaishakha Month that commendable deed would secure prosperity in the current life and enjoyment of Swarga Sukhaas therafter; in the subsequent life, he would be reborn with Brahma Vidya. Even reading one chapter of the Purana and assimilate its purport, the Reader would secure Parama Punya.

 Persons who aspire for Moksha, especially those who desire to assimiltate the latent and intensive meaning of Vedas must read, hear, cogitate and digest the contents of this Purana. Gifting of this Purana to a learned and mature Pandita would add on to the fund of Punya as it would open new vistas of further learning to the receiver as also to the donor.

 In short, this Purana opens up fresh frontiers of Learning, especially to visualise Bhagavan Narayana who is stated to be ‘Avyaktam Shaswatam Vishnum -anatamajamavyayam’ or Unknown, Everlasting, Omni Present, Endless , Unborn and Indestructible.

                                      Stuti of  Kurma Deva by Maharshis

Namastey Kurmarupaaya Vishnavey Paramatmaney,

Narayanaya Vishwaaya Vaasudevaaya tey namah/

Namo namastey Krishnaaya Govindaaya Namo namah,

Maadhavaaya Namastubhyam namo Yajneshwaraaya cha/

Sahasra shirasey tubhyam sahasraakshaaya tey namah,

Namah Sahasra Hastaaya Sahasra Charanaayacha/

Om Namo Jnaanarupaaya Paramaastaswa rupiney,

Anandaaya Namastubhyam Mayatitaaya tey namah/

Namo gudha shariraaya Nirgunaaya Namostutey,

Purushaaya Puraanaya Satthaamaatra swarupiney/

Namah Sankhyaaya Yogaaya Kevalaaya Namostutey,

Dharmajnaadhigamyaaya Nishkalaaya Namo namah/

Namostu  Vyoma tatwaaya Maha Yogeshwaraaya cha,

Paraavaaranaam Prabhavey Veda Vedyaaya tey Namah/

Namo Buddhaaya Shuddhaaya Namo Yuktaaya Hetavey,

Namo Namo Namastubhyam Maayiney Vedhasey Namah/

Namostutey Varaahaaya Narasimhaaya tey Namah,

Vaamanaaya Namastubhyam Hrishikeshaaya tey Namah/

Namostu Kaala Rudraaya Kaalarupaaya tey Namah,

Swargaapavaraga daatrey cha Namo Pratihataatmaney/

Namo Yogaadhi gamyaaya Yoginey Yogadaayiney,

Devaanaam Pataye tubhyam Devaarti shamanaaya tey/

Bhagavamstat prasaadena Sarva Samsaara naashanam,

Asmaabhi –vanditam Jnaanam Yajjatwa amritamashnitey/

Shrutaastu vividhaa Dharmaa Vamshaa Manvanta –raani cha,

Sargascha Pratisargascha Brahmaandasyaasya vistarah/

Twam hi Sarva Jagatsaakshi Vishvo Naaraayana parah,

Traatumarhasyanantaatmamstwameva Sharanam gatih/

(Our salutations to Kurmarupa Vishnu, Vishwarupa, Narayana, Vaasudeva, Krishna, Govinda, Maadhava, Yagneshwara! You possess thousands of  heads, eyes,  hands and feet. You are the Pranava Swarupa, Jnaana Rupa, Ananda Rupa Paramatma! You are of Undisclosed Physique, Nirguna and Mayaateeta or Beyond Falsity! You are Purana Purusha, Sattamaatra (Shakti) Swarupa, Sankhya Yoga Rupa, Advitiya or Unique, and Nishkala. Narayana! You are attainable only by Dharma and Jnaana; Vyoma (Sky) Tatwa Swarupa; Maha Yogeshwara; Creator of ‘Paraapara’ Material; Veda Vedya; Shudda / Jnaana Swarupa and Embodiment of Purity; Nirakara Swarupa or of Shapeless Form; Buddha or Jnaana Swarupa; Yoga Yukta; Hetu Rupa or the Cause of the Universe; Mayavi or Maya Niyantraka or the Regulator of Illusions; and Vedha or ‘Prapancha Srashta’.Our sincere ‘Pranaams’ to you Vishnu Bhagavan! You had assumed incarnations like Varaha Rupa, Narasimha, and Vamaa Rupa! You are Hrishikesha or Indriyeshwara; Kaala Rudra, Kaala Rupa; and ‘Swargaapavarga Pradaata’ or the Decider of Heaven or otherwise to various Beings. Bhagavan, You are ‘Apratihataatma’ or the Everlasting and Imperishable Soul; Yogaadi gamya or the Goal of Yoga; Maha Yogi and Yoga daataa; Deva Swami and Deva Kashta Shamana or the Reliever of Difficulties faced by Devas.Our prostrations to you Bhagavan! It is through  your grace that one secures Mukti from Samsara. It is through your elegance that one obtains Jnaana with which to learn Amritatwa. Kurma Deva! Through you from this Kurma Purana that we have learnt innumerable facts about Dharma, Sarga, Prati Sarga, Brahmanada, and so on. Indeed you are the Permanent Evidence of the Universes that came or in position and yet to emerge; We seek protection from You Vishwarupa, Parama Narayana and Anantaatma!)

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