

Essence Of
Kurma Purana


11    King Jayadhwaja’s Vishnu Bhakti and Sapta Rishi’s assertion of ‘Nishkama Bhakti’ to Vishnu

             In the context of  Chandra Vamsha the glorious personalities were Chandra and Tara (the wife of Deva Guru Brihaspati)- Budha and Ila the daughter of Vaivaswata Manu- Pururava and Apsara Urvashi- Nahusha who performed hundred Yajnas and became a temporary Indra and Pitara Kanya Viraja- Yayati and Devayani the daughter of Shukracharya the Raakshasa Guru as also Sharmishtha the daughter of Raakshasa Vrishaparva- Yadu and Turvasu from Devayani and Puru from Sharmishta-Yadu’s son Kroshta, Sahasrajit etc- Sahasrajit’s grandson Haihaya whose son was Kartaveeryaarjuna who was killed by Parashurama; it was in this famed lineage of Sahasrabahu (Kartaveeryarjuna) was born Jayadhwaja, who was an unparalleled Vishnu Bhakta. He was of firm conviction that Dharma was the noblest feature, all the Kings on Earth were of the ‘Amsha’ of Vishnu and that Vishnu was the ablest Administrator:

Rajyam Paalayataavashyam Bhagavan Purushottamah,

Pujaneeyo yato Vishnuh Paalako Jagatoharih/

Saatviki Raajasichaiva Taamasicha Swayambhuvah,

Tristrastu Murtayah Proktaah Srishtisthityanta hetavah/

Satwaatmaa Bhagavaan Vishnuh Samstaapayati Sarvadaa,

Srujed Brahmaa Rajo Murtih Samharet Taamaso Harah/

Tasmaan Mahipateenaam tu Raajyam Paalayataamayam,

Aaraadhyo Bhagavan Vishnuh Keshavah Keshimardanah/

(Those who are Kings and Administrators ought to worship Vishnu, since Vishnu is the most competent as he as a Swayambhu possessed all the Three Gunas of Satvika-Raajasika-Taamasika nature and displays the three features of Srishti-Paalana-Samhaara and that is precisely why a King should worship Vishnu). But other brothers of Jayadhwaja viz. Shura, Shurasena, Ghrishna, and Krishna expressed their views too; they stated that Rudra was the Unique one to bestow Mukti as he was the Samhara Kaaraka responsible for the End. He assumes Tamoguna at the end of Kalpaas and as the Vidyaa /Jnaana Swarupa and Shakti Swarupa, Rudra alone would be worthy of worship, since Creation and Preservation were merely passing phases merely:

Ayam hi Bhagavan  Rudrah Sarvam Jagadidam Shivah,

Tamogunam samaashritya Kalpaantey Samharet Prabhuh/

Yaa saa ghorataraa Murtisya Tejomayi Paraa,

Samhareyd Vidyayaa Sarvam Samsaaram Shulabhrit tathaa/

King Jayadhwaja replied:

Tatwena munchatey Jantuh Satvaatmaa hagavan Harih/

(It is only through Satva Guna alone, Maanavas attain Mukti and Bhagavan Vishnu is the Embodiment of Satwa Guna.) The brothers argued:

Tamuchur  Bhraaaro Rudrah sevitah Saatvikairjanaih, Mochayet Satwa samyuktah Pujesham tato Haram/

( All the Satvika guna sampannas or those who always possess Satwika Guna do worship Rudra Deva and as an analogy one must worship Maha Deva.) The further argument from Jayadhwaja was that Swadharma or the Duty of  a Varnaashrama-in this case of Kings-was of utmost applicability to attain Mukti. The counter argument of the brothers was that their father Kartaveeryarjuna who followed Swadharma wordshipped Rudra. As the arguments were endless and fruitless, all the brothers came to the conclusion that they should all visit Sapta Rishis to explain as to who should worship –Shiva or Vishnu-being a King! Vasishtha and other Saparishis unanimously stated as  follows:

Ya yasyabhimataa Pumsaha saa hi tasyaiva Devataa!

( Who so ever of Devataas is acceptable by a person is the Devata worthy of worship!) Having established this as the broad Principle, the Sapta Rishis provided the following exceptions and their counsel:

Kintu kaarya viseshena Pujitaashcheshtadaa Nrinaam,

Viseshaat Sarvadaa naayam niyamo hyanyathaa Nripaah/

Nripaanaam Daivatam Vishnustathaiva cha Purandarah,

Vipraanaamagniraadityo Brahmaachaiva Pinaakadhryuk/

Devaanaam Daivatam Vishnurdaanavaanaam Trishulabhrit,

Gandharvaanaam tathaa Somo Yakshaanaamapi kathyatey/

Vidyaadharaanaam Vagdevi Sandhyaanaam Bhagavan Ravih,

Rakshasaam  Shankaro Rudrah Kinnaraanaam cha Parvati/

Rishinaam Daivatam Brahma Mahadevascha Shulabhrit,

Manunaamsyaadumaa Devi tathaa Vishnuh sa Bhaskarah/

Grihastaanaamcha Sarvey Syurbrahmaa vai Brahmachaarinam,

Vaikhaanasaanaamarkah syad Yatinaam cha Maheswarah/

Bhutaanaam Bhagavaan Rudraha Kushmaandaanmaam Vinaayakah,

Sarvbeshaam Bhagavaan Brahmaa Deva Devah Prajaapatih/

Ityevam Bhagavan Brahmaa swayam  Devebhyabhaashata,

Tasmaajjayadwajo nunam Vishnavaaraadhyamarhati/

(Depending on the belief that human beings repose in specific Deva-Devaas and the resultant fruits that they achieve, worship is performed by them as per their wishes and the fulfillment and that might not be a general practice. But in general, Kings worship Vishnu or Indra; Brahmanas worship Agni Deva, Surya, Brahma and Shiva; Devas worship Vishnu while Danavas perform puja to Shiva; Gandharvas and Yakshaas pray to Soma Deva; Human Beings tend to worship Uma Devi, Vishnu and Surya; Grihastas or Family men and women pray to all the Devatas while Brahmacharis worship Brahma; Vaikhaanasaas pray to Surya and Sanyasis tend to deem Maheswara as their destiny; Bhutas pray to Rudra; Ganesha is worshipped by Kushmandaas but Brahma is prayed by one and all. Sapta Rishis quoted Brahma however that Kings would better worship Vishnu.)      

             As this kind of discussions were going on, a frightening and cruel Danava named Videha entered the Kingdom of the Five Sons of Kartaveeryaarjuna and created havoc by killing men and women mercilessly. His roars and rumbles produced panic al over and the Five Sons attacked the Demon with all their capacity: Shura released Roudrastra, Surasena with Vaarunastra, Krishna used Prajaapatastra, Ghrishna with Vayavyastra while Jayadhwaja simulteneously released Kaubera-Aindra-Agneyaastra. But the Danava destroyed all the Astras with his Shula. Finally, King Jayadhwaja made a desperate effort to pray to Vishnu:

Vishnum Grasishnum Lokaadimaprameyamanaamayam,

Traataaram Purusham Purvam Shri Patim Peetavaasasam/

(Jayadhwaja’s prayer was to Vishnu, Grasishnu or the Supreme Hold, Aprameya (Indestructible), Anamaya (devoid of sorrows), Purva Purusha (The Ageless Being), Shri Pati or the husband of Lakshmi etc). Instantly, Bhagavan Vishnu released Sudarshana Chakra known for its speed and positive action and the mountain-like head of the Asura Videha fell on the ground dead and there was abundant relief to the King brothers and their Subjects in the Kingdom. Jayadhwaja was complimented by his brothers for his timely and sincere prayers to Vishnu who saved the Kingdom from destruction; the bothers then approached Maharshi Vishwamitra to teach them the Puja Vidhana of Vishnu and the latter having taught the Procedure stated:

Yatah Pravruttur bhutaanaam yasmin Sarvamidam Jagat,

Sa Vishnuh Sarva Bhutaatma tamaashritya vimuchyatey/

Swavarnaashraya dharmenam Pujyeyam Purushottamah,

Akaamahata bhavena samaaraadhyo na chaanyataa/

(Since Vishnu is the Soul of all the Beings in the World and as they are governed by him and his kindness, every Being must worship him as required by their Ashrama Dharmaas but not with any ulterior motive). As the Sage clarified that worship to Vishnu was not to seek motives but as an obligation required by Varaashrama Dharma. Jayadhwaja and the brothers all reached home and performed ‘nishkaama’puja to Vishnu and Prameshwara alike and subsequently executed a thanks-giving Yagna under the auspices of Vasishtha and Rudrabhaktas besides Maharshis Gautama, Atri and Agastya for Loka Kalyaana or Universal Peace and auspiciousness.

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