Tri Murtis Brahma-Vishnu-Maheshwaras commisioned the famed Vishwakarma and Mayaasura to construct Shri Pura on Meru Mountain which had four ‘Shikharas’ or Mountains representing Fourteen Bhuvanas including the Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Lokas where Lalita Devi would reside and oversee. Shripura is to control the Universe in totality and had seven ‘Praakaaraas’ or Enclosures, made of steel, kaamsya, taamra (copper), brass, Panchaloha, silver and gold. In each enclosure are countless and highly expansive buildings, halls, massive ‘dwaaras’ or entry gates, private rooms, gardens, water bodies, flora and fauna. Each praakaraa had a spread of thousands of yojanas and similarly the area in between each Praakara had thousand yojanas too. Hayagriva exclaimed to Agastya Muni: Could even the two thousand tongued Adi Sesha describe the magnificence of Shri Pura where besides others, Matanga Kanya was in constant exaltation for Maha Devi’s entertainment! Matanga Kanya was the daughter of Maatanga Muni who having pleased Lalita Devi secured the greatest boon of giving birth to the daughter who would have the greatest privilege of residing and serving Maha Devi in her presence for good! Matanga Kanya was also called Shyama who manifested herself in crores of Laghu Shyama Rupas.There are Sapta Kakshyaas or seven huge Bhavanas of Shri Pura in which Siddhas, Charanas, Gandharvas, Apsaras, Kinnaras, Kimpurushas, Sadhakas, Nagas, Rakshasas, Dikpalakas, Rudras-all being Devi worshippers.
Among the other Kakshyas are named Shiva Lokantara, Maha Padmaatavi Kakshya, Naukeshwari Devi Kurukulla was the most reputed. Ten Agni Kalaas were there too and these wer called Dhumraarchi, Ushna, Jwalini, Jwaalini,Visphulingini, Sushri, Surupa, Kapila, Vaavyavaha and Kavyavaha. Twelve Suryatmaka Kalaas were housed here and these were Tapini, Taapini, Dhumra, Marichi, Jwalini, Ruchi, Sushumna, Bhogada, Vishwaa, Bodhini, Dhaarini and Kshama. Chandra Kalaas were Amrita, maanada, Pushni, Tushni, Pushti, Rati, Dhriti, Shashini, Chandrika, Kaanti, Jyotsna, Shri, Preeti, Angada, Purna and Purnaamrita. Brahma Kalaas were Pushti, Buddhi, Sthiti, Medha,Kanti, Lakshmi, Dyuti, Dhriti, Jaraa, Siddhi. Vishnu kalas were Sthiti, Paalini, Shanti, Ishwari, Tati, Kaamika, Varada, Hlaadini, and Dirgha. Roudri Kalas were Tikshna, Roudri, Bhaya, Nidra, Tandra Kshut, Krodhini, Trapa, Utkari and Mrityu. In addition, sixteen other Kalaas are stated in action in the Sapta Kakshyaas all over and these were materialised Brahma for ‘Hastodaka Samsodhana’ or to clean up the hands and they were Nivrutti, Pratishtha, Vidya, Shanti, Indira, Deepika, Rechika, Mochika, Para, Sukshma, Sukshmaamrita, Kala, Jnaamaamrita, Vyaadhini, Vyaapini and Vmorupika. These Kalaas were in Maha Padmatavi and Maha Chakra.
Chintamani Griha was the Yagna Sthala where Maha Raajni and Parama Kameshwara perform Yagnas by kindling ‘Jnaanaagni’with hundreds of ‘Sudhaa Dhaaraas’or pourings of Amrita. To the Nirruti side of Chintamani Griha was the Shri Chakra Raaja Ratha, in Vayavya was the Geya Chakra Ratha, in Ishanya was Kiri Chakra Ratha and in Agneya Gayatri was in Omkaara Mandira with opened and benign eyes providing ‘Abhaya’ or Safety. In the North side of Chantamani Griha were Ganapati, Shiva, Mrityunjaya and Sarasvati. In diferent sides of North itself were the following Shaktis viz. Shri Paramba, Vishada Jyotsna, Normala and Vigrah; Bala, Annapurna, Hayarudha and Shri Paduka; Unmatta Bhairavi, Swapna Vaaraahika, Tiraskarinikaamba and Panchami. In the Eastern side of Chintamani Griha were Shri Purti and Shri Maha Paduka, besides Anima-Mahima-Garima-Ishhitwa-Prakaamya-Mukti-Iccha-Prapti-Sarvakama, besides Rasa Siddhi-Moksha Siddhi-Bala Siddhi, Khadga Siddhi-Paduka Siddhi-Angana Siddhi-Vaak Siddhi-Loka Siddhi and Deha Siddhi. Braahmi-Mahweswari-Kaumari-Vaishnavi-Vaaraahi-Maahendri, Chamunda and Lakshmi were scattered providing over all Security.