24 Narayana Maharshi explains about the ‘Tatwa’ of Shri Krishna and Prakriti Devi | |
Lambodaro Harirumaapatireesha Seshaa Brahmaadayah Suraganaa Manavo Munindrah, Vaani Shivaa Tripathagaa Kamalaadika yaa Sanchitayeda Bhagavatscharanaaravindam/ Samsaarasaagaramateeva gabhiraghoram Daavaagni sarpa pariveshtita cheshta taangam, Samlanghyagantumabhi vaanchati yo hi daasyam sanchitayed Bhagavatcchharanaara –vindam/ Govardhanoddharana keertirateena khinnaa Bhurdhaarita cha dashaanaagna karena klinnaa, Vishwaani Lomavivareshu Vibharturaadeh Sanchintayeda Bhagavat –ccharanaaravindam/ Gopaangana vadana pankaja hat padasya Raaseswaraaya pumshaha, Brindaavaney viharato vrajavesha Vishnoh sanchintayed Bhagavatas –cchananaara vindam/ Chakshurnimesha patito Jagataam vidhaataa tatkarma vatsa kathitumBhuvi kah samarthah/ Twamchaapi Naradamuney paramaadareyna sachintitah kuru Harerscharanaaravindam/ Yuyam vayam tasya kalaakalaamshaah kalaakalaamshaa Manavo Muneendraah, Kalaaviseshaa Bhavapaara mukhyaa Mahaan Viraad yasya Kalaa viseshah/ Sahasra seershaa Sirasah pradeshey bibharti siddhaarthasamam cha Vishwam/ Kurmamcha Sesho mashako gajey yathaa Kurmascha Krishnaascya Kalaakalaamshah/ Goloka naathasya vibhiryashomalam shrutow Puraaney nahi kinchana sphutam/ Na Padmaamukhyaah kathitum samarthaah Sarveshwaram tam bhaja Paadmamukhyam/ Vishveshu Sarveshu cha Vishwa dhaamnah Satyeava Shasvadvidhi Vishnu Rudraah/ Teshaamchaa Samkhyaah Shtutayascha Devaah Param na jaananti tameeshwaram bhaja/ Katoti Shrishtimcha Vidhervidhaataa Vidhaaya nityaamv Prakrutim Jagatprasuum/ Brahmaadayah Prakritikaascha Sarveybhakti pradaam Shreem Prakrutim bhajanti/ Brahma Swarupaa Prakrutir na bhinna yayaacha Srishtim kurutey Sanaatanah/ Shriyascha sarvaah kalayaa Jagatsu Maayaacha Sarvey cha tayaa vimohitaah/ Naaraayani saa Paramaa Sanaatani Shaktisha pumshah Paramaatmanascha, Atmeswaraaschaapi yayaa cha Shaktimaamstayaa vinaa Shrishtamashakta yeva/ ( Maharshi Narayana explained to Narada about the interaction of ‘Maha Tatwa’ of Shri Krishna the Supreme and the Prakriti Devi: The entire Universe is well advised to prostrate before that Everlasting and Endless Bhagavan whom all the Shaktis like Ganesha, Vishnu, Rudra, Seha, Brahma and other Devatas as also Manus, Munis, Saraswati, Parvati, Ganga, Lakshmi and other Devis bend their heads down to. Those who are desirous of swimming across and traversing the ‘Samsara Sagar’which encircles every Being by the terrible ‘Daavaagni Sarpa’-the fiery and poisonous serpent- would have to necessarily enjoy the enslavement of the self before Bhagavan Shri Krishna. It is that Shri Krishna -who lifted the Govardhana Mountain with his hand and saved Vajra Bhumi and its inhabitants from the fury and anger of Indra; that he who lifted with ease the entire Bhudevi who was on the verge of sinking into deep Ocean lifted up by the might of his tusks and restored her in her original position; and that he whose skin pores carry endless ‘Brahmandaas’- to whom we dedicate our very existence. It is that Shri Krishna again who is like the ‘bhramara’/ honey-bee hovering around the sweet faces of Gopikas in Brindavana fully engrossed in the ‘Raasa-kreeda’ that we should always meditate his sacred feet. Narada! Is there any body in this world that is competent to describe the ‘Leelas’ of Bhagavan Krishna by whose mere eye-twinkle that a great Brahma engaged in ‘Srishti’gets terminated? Narada! You and I as well as each and every Being are the ‘Kalaas’/ reflections of that Mahat Kala Swarupa! Manus and Munis are of that Maha Kala also! Brahma, Shiva, Adi Sesha with his thousands of hoods holding Earth as though it was a seed of mustard are all of Paramatma’s undescribable ‘Kala’ even as that Paramatma carries Sesha Deva like a fly on an elephant! The Four Vedas failed to describe even an atom of what Shri Krishna in Goloka was all about! Brahma and all the Devatas put together too fell far short of their imagination and far reaching vision to substantiate the Supreme! Shri Krishna was like a Vidhata among unaccountable Vidhatas. Brahma and other Devas are materialised from time to time by Prakriti and Narada! You should worship Prakriti too. Prakriti is not however a separate entity! Prakriti is ‘Maya’or an Illusion but is reflection of Shi Krishna! Yet, the Lord created the Mula Prakriti or ‘Vishnu Maya’ to assist him and that Maya was materialised in Five Forms viz. Radha; the second manifestation was of Lakshmi as the Embodiment of Wealth; the third is Saraswati, the personification of Knowledge, Vidya, Kalas, who is worshipped by all; the Fourth Amsa is Vedamata Gayatri / Savitri and the Fifth Amsha of Prakriti is Durga denoting Shakti, Capacity and Courage. Together, these five manifestations bestow Aspiration, Prosperity, Knowledge, Sacredness of Vedas and Shakti! | |
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