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Essence Of
Bhavishya Purana
16 Surya ‘Aradhana’ and ‘Agni Homa Vidhi’ - Prayers to Dikpalakas, Nava Grahas, Tri Murtis, Matrikas and Select Deities | |
Lord Vishnu’s carrier ‘Garuda’ approached Surya Deva’s Charioteer ‘Aruna’ for the best form of ‘Aradhana’ (Worship) to solve ‘Adhi-Vyaadhi’difficulties like diseases, problems posed by Grahas (Planets), hurdles posed by persons in Power and natural calamities. For instance Garuda was concerned by a curse since his wings were affected and he could not fly properly. Aruna assured that there could be no other remedy to tide the difficulty excepting to resort to the worship of Surya Deva, especially by ‘Agni Homa’ or ‘Paavakarchan’which is highly rewarding. Aruna Deva agreed to help Garuda to perform the Agni Homa by first setting up Agni, preferably in a Temple of Surya, at the ‘Agneyakona’ on a clean ground purified by cow-dung and invoke Dikpalakas by offering ‘Ahuti’ of Ghee in Agni, by saying OM BHURBHUVAH SWAHAA and reciting the following Mantras: Aarakta deha rupaya raktakshaaya Mahatmaney, Dharaadhaaraaya Shaantaaya Sahasraaksha Shiraayacha/ Adho mukhaaya Swetaaya Swaahaa/ (First Aahuti) Urthwa Mukhaaya Swaaha (Second Ahuti) Hemavarnaaya Dehaaya Iraayata Gajaayacha, Sahsraaksha shareeraaya Purvadishayunmukhaayacha/ Devaadhipaaya chendraaya vihastaaya shubhaayacha, Purvavadanaaya Swaaha (Third Ahuti) Deeptaaya Vyakta dehaaya Jwalaamaalaa kulaayacha, Indraneelaabha dehaaya Sarvaarogya karaachacha/ Yamaaya Dharmaraajaaya dakshinaashamukhaayacha, Krishnaambara dharaaya Swaaha (Fourth Ahuti) Neelajeemuta varnaaya Raktaambaradharaaya cha, Muktaaphala shareeraayaPingaakshaaya Mahaatmaney/ Shuklavastraaya Peetaaya Divyapaasha dharaayacha, Paschimaabhi mukhaaya Swaha (Fifth Ahuti) Krishna pingala nethraaya Vaayavyaabhimukhaayacha, Neeladhwajaaya Veeraaya tatha Chandraaya vedhasey/ Pavanaaya Swaaha (Sixth Ahuti) Gadaahastaaya Suryaaya Chitrastrargbhusanaaya cha, Mahodayaya Shaantaaya Swaaha adhipatayey tatha/ Uttaraabhimukhaya Mahaadevapriyaya Swaahaa (Seventh Ahuti) Swetaaya Swetavarnaaya Chitraakshaya Mahaatmaney, Shaantaaya Shaanta Rupaaya Pinaakavaradhaariney/ Eshaanaabhimukhaaya Swaaha (Eighth Ahuti) The seven ‘Ahutis’into Agni in favour of Dikpalakas viz. Agni, Kubera, Indra,Yama, Varuna, Vayu and Eshana having been offered, then Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha is recited lakh times and Nava Grahas are appeased by the following Shanti Mantras as follows: Shantyartha Sarvalokaanaam tatah Shantikamaacharet, Sindhuraasana Raktaabho Rakta Padmaabhilochanah/ Sahasrakirano Devah Sapaaswarathavaahanah, Gabhastimaali Bhagavaan Sarva Deva Namaskrutah/ Karothu tey Mahashaanti Graha peedaa nivaaraneem, Trichakra rathamaarudhaapaam saaramayam thu yah/ Dashaaswavaahano Deva Atreyaschaamrutastavah, Sheetamshu ramritaatmaacha Kshayavriddhi sananvitah/ Somah Somyena Bhaavena Graha peedaam Vyapohatu/ Padmaraaganibho Bhaumo Madhu pingala lochanah, Angaarakognisadrusho Graha peedaamVyapohatu/ Pushparaaganibho dehena paripingalah, Peetamaalyaambaro Budhah peedaanm vyapohatu/ Tapta Gauri Samkaasha Sarva Shaastra vishaarada, Sarva Deva GuruVipro haarthavarnavaro Munih/ Brihaspatiriti khyata Astra Shaastraparaschah, Shaantena chetasa sopi Parena susamaahitah/ Graha peedaam vinirjyatya karotu tava shaanikam, Suryaarchanaparo nityam prasaadaadbhaaskarasya tu/ Himakundendru varnaabho Daitya Daanava pujitah, Maheswarastato dheemaan Mahaa Sauro Mahaamatih/ Suryarchana paro nityam Shukrah Shuklanibhastadaa, Neeti Shastra paro nityam graha peedaam vyapohatu / Naanaa rupa dharo vyakta Avijnaatagatischayah, notpattir jaayatey yasya nodayapeeditirapi/ Ekachulodwichulascha trisikhah panchasulakah, Sahasrashira rupastu Chandra Ketu Ravih Sthitah/ Suryaputrogni putrastu, Brahma Vishnu Shivaatmakah, Aneka shikhirah Ketuh sa tyeh peedaa Vyapohatu/ Etai Grahaa Mahaatmanah Suryaarchana param sadaa, Shaantam kurvantu tye Hrushthaah Sadaakaalam Hitekshanah/ (With blood-red eyes, thousands of rays, seated on a Seven Horse drawn chariot, with Sindura-like blood red shine, greeted by all Devatas and destroyer of Planet-made obstacles, may Surya Deva bestow Great Peace on us! With cool rays and pleasant vision, Ambrose-like Soul and Sage Atri’s son, may Chandra Deva destroy our Planet-made hurdles to us; With Pingala coloured eyes akin to Agni, may Bhumi Putra Mangala / Bhoumaya give us freedom from all our difficulties on account of Planets; may Budha who wears Peeta orYellow clothes and of peaceful demeanour and mind, do eliminate our Graha-created predicaments to us; May Deva Guru Brihaspati who is an extraordinary Teacher and Guide to all Devas, do remove all our setbacks and save us; May Sukracharya the Rakshasa Guru, the Great Source of Guidance and Trouble Shooting to all negative Shaktis -who is proverbially known for advices that do indeed provide short-term gains of life- bless us with long duration of peace and happiness; May Shaneswara, the son of Surya Deva, who assumes various forms with uncertain ways of movements forward and backward as also the Planets of Rahu and Ketu provide us security from our complications of life and do kindly shield us from all our impediments.) Thereafter, sincere prayers are to be conducted to Tri - Murthis as follows: Padmaasanah Padmavarnah Padnapatranibhekshanah, Kamandaludharah Shreeman Deva Gandhrava pujitah/ Chaturmokho Devapatih Suryarchanah sadaah, Suraajyeshtho Maha Tejaa Sarva loka Prajaapatih/ Brahma shabdena divyena Brahma Shantih karotumey// Peetambharo Deva Aatreyeedayitah sadaa, Shankha Chakra Gadaa paanih Shyamavarna chaturbhujah/ Yagna dehah kramo Deva Athrayeedayitah sada, Shanka Chakra Gadaa paanirmaadhavo Madhusudanah/ Suryabhaktaanvitho nityam vigatirvigata trayah, Suryadhyanaparo nityam Vishnuh Shaantim karotutey// Sashikundendu samkaashoVishrutaabhananairih, Chaturbhujey Mahaa Tejaah Pushpaarthakrita Shekharah/ Chaturmukho Bhasmadharah Smashaana nilayah sadaa, Gotraarvishwa nilayastatha cha Kratu dushanah/ Varo Varenyo Varado Devadevo Maheswarah, Aditya deha sambhutah sa tey Shaantim karotu vai/ (Seated on Lotus, Lotus-coloured, Lotus-eyed, Kamandaludhari, worshipped by Devas and Gandharvas, the Supreme of Devas, Highly Lustrous, the Chief of all Lokas, engaged in his worship of Surya Deva, and engrossed in the Great Resonance of the Word of Brahma, kindly grant us Shanti (Peace) and provide shield to us! Wearing silken clothing and adorned by Shankhu, Chakra, Gadaa and Lotus on his four hands, Yajna Swarupa, Husband of Atreyi and engaged in the meditation of Surya Deva, hey Madhava, Madhusudana and Vishnu! Do confer us Shanti (Tranquility) to us always. Maheswara, You are decorated with Chandra Deva on forehead, Snakes embellished all over the body, the All-Pervasive, Resident of Burial Grounds, Destroyer of Daksha Yagna , the Ash-Sporting Bodied and Devadi Deva: we are beholden to you to endow us Peace and Well-being.) Following the Prayers to Tri Murtis, the Procedure of ‘Surya Aradhana’ proceeds further with commendations to Matrikas, the most significant being, Brahmaani, Rudraani, Kaumari, Vaishnavi, Indraani, Varaahi and Chamundi. May the Prayers grant ‘Shanti’to those who pray to the Matrikas in particular and to humanity as a whole; the Prayers denote that Brahmaani possesses the splendour of Padmaraga jewel, carries ‘Akshayamala’ and ‘Kamandalu’, performing ‘Aradhana’ and giving Blessings to Surya; to Rudraani, also called as Maha Sweta who has the features akin to Moon, Snow and ‘Kunda Pushpa’, is seated on ‘Vrishabha’, holds a Trishula, with Four Hands and Three-Eyes, always immersed in the worship of Shankara; to Kaumari who has ‘Sindura Varna’, with mighty hands carrying a Shula, is fully ornamented, also called Shakti and seated on a Mayuri (Peacock); to Devi Vaishnavi donning ‘Peetaambara vastras’, with four hands clutching Chakra, Gada, Shankha and Padma (Red), worshipped by Devas and destroying ‘Asuras’and bringing happiness to humanity by means of prosperity; to Indraani mounted on Iravata elephant carrying the Vajra weapon, worshipped by Siddhas and Gandharvas, with thousand eyes spread all over her physique and is full grace of befitting the Queen of Heavens; to Vaaraahi with the nose of a ‘Varaha’ (boar), seated on a Varaha, holding the same weapons as Vaishnavi, with such massive strength that could lift up the weight of Earth in one forceful pull; and to the frightful Chamundi who is described as Ardhakosha Kati kshaama Nirmaamsa snaayubandhanaa, Karaalavadana Ghora Khadga Ghantoduta Sati/ Kapalamalini Krura Khatvangavara dhaarini, Arakta Pinga nayana Gajacharmaavigunthitaa/ (Devi Chamundi who is Slender-waisted, with Kankaala Swarupa or fleshless, lean and terrifying Figure; Karaala Vadana or of awe-inspiring face, at once overwhelming, scaring and cruel; the holder of self- indicted body- parts as also of an alarming bell and sword; full of blood and blood shot eyes and wearer of Elephant Skin).Besides there are Matrikas viz. Aakaash Matrikas, Loka Matrikas, Bhuta Matrikas, Vriddhi-Shraddha Matrikas, Pitra-Matru Matrikas of three previous generations and so on. May all the Matrikas impart Shanti (Peace) and Tripti (Contentment)! Other Deities to be propitiated include: Vinayaka (Ekadamshtrakato Devo Gaja vaktro Mahabalh, Naga Yagnopaveetena Naanaabharana bhushitah/ Sarvaartha Sampaduddhaaro Ganaadhyaksho Varapradah), Kartikeya (Kartikeyascha Rudrasya changodbhutah Sucharitraha, Kartikeyo Mahateja Adityavaradarpitah/ Shantih Karothutey nityam Balam Soukhyam cha Tejasaa/), Nandeswara (Shula hastho Mahaapragno NandeeshoRavi bhaavitah, Shantim karothu tey Shanto Dharmaam chamatimuttamam),and Devi Sarasvati (Bhu lokey tu Bhuvarlokey nivasanti cha ye sadaa, Deva Devaah Shubhaayuktah Shantim Kurvantu tey Sadaa/ Janalokey Maharlokey Paralokey gataascha yeh, tey Sarva muditaa Devaah Shaantim kurvantu tey sadaa / Sarasvati Surya Bhakta Shaant da viddhaatumey/) as also other Deities. Further more, Shanti is sought from Twenty Nakshatras (viz.Krittika, Rohini, Mrigashira, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya and Aslesha on the Eastern side of Surya Deva; Magha, Purva / Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati and Vishakha on the Southern side of Surya Deva; Anuradha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Purvashadha /Uttaraashadha, Abhjit and Shravan on the Wetern side of Surya Deva and Dhanistha, Shatabhisha, Purva / Uttara Bhadra in the Northern side of Surya Deva); Twelve Rashis viz. Mesha, Simha, Dhanu on the Eastern side of Surya Deva; Vrisha, Kanya, Makara on Surya’s Southern side; Mithuna, Tula and Kumbha on Surya’s Western side and Karka, Vristchika and Meena on the Northern side of Surya Deva; Sapta Rishiganas viz. Kashyapa, Galva, Gargya, Vishwamitra, Daksha, Vasishtha, Markandeya, Kratu, Narada, Bhrigu, Atreya, Bharadwaja, Valmiki, Kaushika, Vaatsya, Shalya, Punarvasu and Shaalankaayana-all engrossed in ‘Surya Aradhana’and their blessings are vital for the purpose of seeking relief from illnesses and other ‘Adhi-Vyadhi’ troubles. Bhagavan Surya’s devotion is also predominant among Daitya rajas like Namuchi, Mahabali Shankha karna and Maha Nath as also Hayagreeva, Prahlada, Agnimukha, Kalanemi were all Surya Deva’s devotees and so were Virochana, Turvasu, Hiranyaksha, Sulochana, Muchukunda, and Raivatak; their Souls are immortal and capable of giving blessings for the welfare of devotees even now.Naga Shanti is yet another area of devotion by which the protection of Ashta Nagas who are eternally engaged in Surya Aradhana is sought. Takshaka, Karkotaka, Shankhapaala, Vasuki, Padma, Ananta, and Nagendra are all illustrious examples of the devotion and safeguard those who too are sincere in the meditation of Surya Deva. Naga Shanti ensures that the entire race of Naga Ganas would never trouble the devotees. Similarly, Surya Aradhana provides guarantee from any difficulties from Sacred Rivers, Yakshas, Mountains, Seas, Rakshasas, Pretas, Piscachas, Apsaras, cruel animals and all the rest. ‘Souri Shanti’ assures shield against not only illness, but also ‘Grahopaghata,’ durbhiksha, blindness, deafness or any other disabilities; physical, psychological, mental shortcomings etc. Garuda whose wings were hacked in the past performed the ‘Shanti Vidhana’ as advised Aruna Deva and he got the refurbished wings back; whoever reads or carefully follows the Procedure of ‘Souri Shanti’would attain mental peace, excellent health, Yagna Phal and ‘Papa Mukti’ or purging of even unforgiveable sins. | |
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