Bairagi is from "vairagin" meaning one without "raga" or without passion. The word is also applied to a religious medicant.
There is more on this subject in part3 and part 5.
Baron Humboldt quoted in Har Bilas Sarda's "Hindu Superiority"
It signifies the third eye of Lord Siva
Dhanus solar month, same as Margazhi in Tamil
The meaning of the original Hebrew word is indeed "life"
"Inakula Tilaka", ornament of the solar dynasty. For the correct meaning of the word "tilaka" see the Sanskrit Glossary
Now it consists of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos
Kotei or Kutei district is in East Borneo
Pavai poems or works mean the Tiruppavai and Tiruvembavai
Pippala is the pipal or Ficus religiosa
Sagaras are the 60, 000 children of Sagara of the solar race. It was their descendant Bhagiratha who performed austerities and brought the Ganga from the heavens to redeem his anchestors who had been reduced to ashes.
The story is told in the Mundakopanisad.
Obviously the Paramaguru states this with a touch of irony.
Yada- yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati Bharata
Abhyutthanam adharmasya tadatmanam srjamyaham
Paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam
Dharma-samstahpanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge.
-Bhagavadgita, 4, 7 & 8.
"Vibhuti yoga ", Chapter10 of the Bhagavadgita.
Some scholars express this idea by describing God as the "quintessence of essences ".
"Siddhanta Saivas" followers of the Saiva Siddhanta, that developed in the South about the 11th century. One of its chief exponents was Meykandar, 13th century, author of Sivajnanabodham.
The situation in this respect has changed now with the boom in petrodollars in West Asia.
Prophet Mohammad - A. D. 570- 632.
Aspects of varna dharma are dealt with in detail in Part Three and Twenty.
"Hinayana" ("Lesser Vehicle", "Lower Way") is a school of Buddhism which teaches the attainment of salvation for oneself alone, that is it is fit for a select few ."Mahayana "("Greater Vehicle" or "Higher Way")teaches the salvation of all. (The definitions given here are too brief and perhaps over -simplified). Hinayana is the earlier school and claims to represent the teachings of the Buddha in a "purer" form. Mahayana is usually ascribed to Nagarjuna.
The Paramaguru is referring here to the Saivas and Vaisnavas of Tamil Nadu.
"Saktas" are worshippers of Sakti, the Supreme Goddess. "Muruga" is Subrahmanya or Kartikeya. Tamils are particularly devoted to him. "Ayyappa" is "Sasta" or "Hariharaputra". He represents the oneness of Siva and Visnu.
This discourse was given before Banglades came into being.
"Behold. Isvara in his form of the Vedas and the six Angas. "
"Nammazhvar (Maran of Sathakopan )who created the Tamil Veda. "
Parts Six to Eleven deal with the six Angas.
"For the Vedas to flourish and for Saivism to prosper. "
Adi Sankara instituted the six religious systems (Sanmata) -- worship of Siva, Visnu, Sakti, Ganapati, Kumara, and Surya.
In a later discourse, the Paramaguru reveals that the language of the Vedas is "Chandas" which predates "classical" Sanskrit.
For a general background, please see here